Dolphin, the GameCube and Wii emulator - Forums

Full Version: Perpetual "Thank You!" thread
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Hey Dev. team,

Your hard work and dedication is very much appreciated. "Thank you!"
Thanks for making Dolphin, I and us all appreciate it.
Thanks works great!


Thanks a lot's for your handwork =3 I can finally replay my fav game ^^
I am absolutely amazed at what this emulator can do. I wish I could help out with programming, but I hope that my contributions with testing and writing up compatibility info for the wiki and forum will help!

Thanks a lot!
Yes, thanks developers.
For how much I've been using this emulator recently.. just wanted to say thanks Dolphin team! Amazing job on this.
I love playing Mario Kart Wii and other games on my PC even better then the Wii will ever be able too, great job devs! We all appreciate your work!


Thank you for this great program! Now I can finally play games I've never even played before!
I feel like this is the prayer in a cult or something. Hah!

Thanks for such a sweet emulator. Not only is it the most reliable than any of the other sixth(seventh, hah) gen console emus, but it's also, legitimately the best.
So many neat features.
Playing Gamecube games in HD was pretty sweet. Then I got down to playing games in 3D. Now that.. hoho- that is emulation on a whole other level.
I'm not sure if many/any of the devs actually care for the 3D feature- as I've seen it's been removed in later revisions. I recall reading somewhere that it was broken or something, whatever. As long as it still exists in some revisions~

I would also like to thank the forums particularly for the friendly, welcoming folk who hang around here, despite the niche crowd.
It's pretty fun to talk about this sorta thing. For a while I thought I was the only one in town who could smoothly emulate NGC/Wii.. well I think I still am, but having some sort of collaborative group on this site makes up for that.
Very cool stuff- lots of fun. :)