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hellangel, the data looks fine in the memory viewer but the Nintendo logo should not be corrupted.

It might be due to a sync problem. Or maybe the region of the GBA BIOS?

Sorry, I am really guessing here.
The corrupted Nintendo logo appears only when I load the bios. If I enable BIOS Files on VBA-M and load any game, It appears normally.
What if I try the Select+Start?
From memory, pressing Select+Start puts the GBA BIOS into a download mode. It is worth a shot.


well all im getting is 3 white screens when i try to load my gba bios on 3 vba's im trying to play a 3 player game on loz four swords on dolphin
When I'm start vba-m and open the bios file, the gameboy sign slowly loads for a few seconds and then dolphin.exe always crashes. What would make dolphin crash?
Do you mean Dolphin crashes to desktop or does it freeze/hang? I don't remember anything in the GBA link that would make Dolphin crash.

If it hangs, it might be because of link timing problems.


what about the bios for it? i cannot seem to find any..
What ever causes the wiimote to work with Wii games in dolphin, is it possible to make it work with GC games? With out having to use Glovepie, or PPJoy?
Are there actually one that got this working and if how and are you ab
le to emulate multilple GBA's
(05-19-2010, 11:42 AM)skid Wrote: [ -> ]From memory, pressing Select+Start puts the GBA BIOS into a download mode. It is worth a shot.

It will NOT do this if you have a GameBoy Micro BIOS. So please, to all the others, test by loading a game with BIOS enabled. While the GBA logo is coming up, hit SELECT and START at the same time. If the Nintendo Logo disappears now, you have the Advance BIOS. If not, you have the Micro BIOS. It will NOT work with the Micro Bios since it didn't have the socket for the GameCube cable. They supposedly removed it from the BIOS too!!
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