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About zelda Twighlight, Is there a way to fix the huge slowdown when using the wolf skill Ilia's scent(pink cloud)? the fps drops from 30 to 20, when if using it on Hyrule field the fps goes from 25 to 14


Phenon x4 955be 3.8ghz

Gtx580LE 3GB RAM

System RAM 16GB

Dolphin 3.0-843-g0fcb246

OS Archlinux 64bits UPDATED!


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Zelda TP is a demanding game. Hyrule Field is not the only demanding part of this game. You didn't mention your specs but your processor is just probably not powerful enough
(11-22-2012, 08:14 AM)LordVador Wrote: [ -> ]You didn't mention your specs but your processor is just probably not powerful enough

killown Wrote:Phenon x4 955be 3.8ghz

Gtx580LE 3GB RAM

System RAM 16GB

Dolphin 3.0-843-g0fcb246

OS Archlinux 64bits UPDATED!

As LordVador suggested, it's most likely you're system is being bottlenecked by your CPU rather than another component like the GPU. In these cases, there aren't a lot of optional settings within Dolphin that will dramatically reduce the CPU load. Your best bet is to either get more from your current hardware (overclocking) or by upgrading the current hardware to something faster.
Why you using anti aliasing? Huh Currently your anti aliasing is set to 16x! Exclamation
Quote: MSAA = 7
(11-22-2012, 03:02 PM)Delayline Wrote: [ -> ]Why you using anti aliasing? Huh Currently your anti aliasing is set to 16x! Exclamation
Quote: MSAA = 7

Depending on what the OP's Internal Resolution is, the level of MSAA might not even be a problem. With the GTX580, you could probably do a lot of games at 3xIR while setting your AA to 16x. I can do a lot of games at 3x IR with 16xQ CSAA. MSAA doesn't incur as much of a performance hit as SSAA would, I think.
Yeah, SSAA is much more demanding than SSAA. NV explained this Tongue
(11-22-2012, 04:18 PM)DefenderX Wrote: [ -> ]Yeah, SSAA is much more demanding than SSAA.

How can something be more demanding than itself? I know what you meant to say though :p
Yeah, dumb typo. I meant SSAA vs. MSAA
(11-22-2012, 03:54 PM)Shonumi Wrote: [ -> ]
(11-22-2012, 03:02 PM)Delayline Wrote: [ -> ]Why you using anti aliasing? Huh Currently your anti aliasing is set to 16x! Exclamation
Quote: MSAA = 7

Depending on what the OP's Internal Resolution is, the level of MSAA might not even be a problem. With the GTX580, you could probably do a lot of games at 3xIR while setting your AA to 16x. I can do a lot of games at 3x IR with 16xQ CSAA. MSAA doesn't incur as much of a performance hit as SSAA would, I think.

Nope, since ATI's drivers are broken I can't use AA in Dolphin Sad
So could you people suggest a processor that I am can play all dolphin games at full speed? I dont want slowdonws, for example heavy games like the last story should't be a problem for this processor
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