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Full Version: Broken Sword problem?
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(07-10-2009, 05:36 AM)rayhansen Wrote: [ -> ]
(07-09-2009, 09:34 AM)Napper Wrote: [ -> ]If your having trouble still with the cursor - first load the game, then press esc and go to the wiimote settings and adjust the ir pointers settings. You can then see straight away, what your effects your adjustments to the cursor are having.

Originally i used to configure the IR pointer before loading the game and i never saw any changes. However upon loading the game and while it was still runnning, adjusting the settings worked straight away.

Hope this helps.
thank you, i unchecked safe texture cache and that did the trick, but im stuck at the second screen, where u have to rotate some safe lock. To do this u need to rotate the wiimote, u can rotate it to the left by moving the pointer out and into the screen in windowed mode, but i cant rotate it to the right, any ideas??


I use a Original Wiimote and created a Savegame for this part. The Savegame Starts directly after the Safe is solved.
Only for PAL Version

Sorry for bad english....


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