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Full Version: Wii network access (bridging) setup?
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I'm planning to develop a small wii homebrew software requiring network access.

Right now I am investigating if I can use Dolphin to speed up the prototyping and having to avoid running to my wii swapping sd cards..
I am running Mac Os X.

When running the devkitppc sockettest program, Dolphin reports an ip of but I am unable to connect to the simple webserver the program exposes from my host machine.

My understanding is that I need to setup some kind of bridge to be able to reach the dolphin from my host. Is this correct?
I have found the following instructions on the wiki:
Is this applicable for the wii or only gamecube emulation? The mac os vpn instructions listed there is sadly not applicable for modern versions of mac os x.

Is there another way of letting dolphin accessing the network (and internet)?

Thanks in advance!
If you are running a Wii homebrew program in Dolphin, then you should just be able to create a connection to it at (or your computer's local IP address) without having to do anything in particular. If you are running a GameCube homebrew program in Dolphin, things get pretty messy and you would need to involve the Broadband Adapter and all that comes with it.

If you indeed have compiled the program for the Wii and not for the GameCube and it doesn't work, perhaps check try changing the code from using port 80 to using some port above 1024. There's a chance that some security measure in your operating system is blocking you from using port 80.


Excellent, this worked like a charm both on port 8080 and 80.
