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Just as a prefix, I know nothing about the development of Dolphin, I know nothing about how to program or anything, but what I was thinking about was dynamic resolution. Some of the Nintendo Switch's games have dynamic resolution, I think Splatoon 2 and Mario Odyssey are good examples, and I was thinking: What if Dolphin had that? How hard would that be to implement? Again, I know nothing about programming, and my computer doesn't really need it, but it was a thought.
No real benefit. We're not often GPU bottlenecked and we have no good way of telling if we're GPU bound or CPU bound. And decreasing resolution will only help GPU load.
So along with no benefits, it would also be improbable to actually get it working. Okay, I was just curious. Thanks!
If you've got a keyboard in front of you while you play, you can do a manual version. Go to the Hotkey settings and set hotkeys for increasing and decreasing the IR (I use + and -), and then when you're playing a game, start increasing until your game slows down, then decrease it a bit.
Plus, if you apply this strategy when the (GPU_load == 100% && gameSpeed < 100%) , there's a chance the slowdown caused by ubershaders and It's not worth reducing the IR since it's a very punctual slowdown.