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sorry i was in a rush and missed the E5XX part and all i saw was pentium dual core Tongue
yeah. Pentium D was a massive failure. Netburst dual core? Heat making monster. Terrible performer. A 8ghz pentium 4/netburst can not beat a conroe at 3ghz.
Get a Gtx295
you'd have to be stupid to get that. The 5870 is cooler, faster and less power consuming. Also, graphic cards don't matter that much for dolphin.
GTX 295 = overkill times 100.

But seriously though, boogerlad is right. A 8600GT is probably enough for Dolphin if you have a good CPU.

Oh, and the GTX 275 is already a bit outdated since ATI already released their DX11 cards and Nvidia will too within the next couple months.
riiiiiiight, but yeah, ATI owned nvidia with their Dx11 cards ... when I read that yesterday I was like Ohh man gotta sell mine!
I'm waiting for prices to drop. My 4850 is more than enough for me right now. I wish I had jumped on an amazing deal at Fry's Electronics this week. There was an AMD Phenom II X4 965BE + Gigabyte GA-MA790X-UD4P bundle for $200. It's 40 minutes away and I had no time this week. Sad
*0* 200! when I got mine years ago, 200 only for motherboard XDD
Too late now. Oh well, my E7200 @ 3.42GHz is still good enough for now. I've gotten it up to 4GHz but I didn't want to keep the temps so high 24/7.

Anyways, back on topic.
You better buy a new power supply if you want a new video card. That generic 450W power supply isn't going to cut it.


(10-14-2009, 11:46 AM)extreme64 Wrote: [ -> ]sorry i was in a rush and missed the E5XX part and all i saw was pentium dual core Tongue

That's what happens when you spend a long period of time being ainal. Dodgy
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