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Full Version: 16:3 (48:9) ratio
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Hi. I was wondering if there was a database of gecko codes to fix certain problems with certain games with this kind of ratio, and if not, what method do people use to find those codes?
Thanks for the info, though all those are for 21:9 or 16:9, is there some infos on how to modify the codes for wider resolutions?
Look through the forum, but I think that's it.
What sort of wider resolution are you trying to make?
Is that a multi-monitor setup?
There may be a few codes in those threads, but I don't know how many people make those types of codes.
Yeah it's triple monitor, I guess we are only a few with that kind of setup that plays on emulator... lol. Thanks, I'll search around.
Yeah gamemasterplc I think is the name, I requested a 48:9 code for MKDD and he delivered! Just look through that thread and you'll find some.