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Full Version: The most demanding title / scene ever ? (CPU and GPU)
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swrl: the last part of the hoth scene from the looping demo. The knights cutscene from tls is a joke compared to this one.

xbc: the "clash of the titans" part of the intro. Puts more stress on the GPU than anything else (even more demanding than dkcr l8-6 or the mkw menus).

Is there anything more demanding than this?
(03-27-2015, 08:36 AM)kirbypuff Wrote: [ -> ]CPU:
tls knights cutscene (dozens of ultra high-polygon knight models and hundreds of npcs). A whole lot more demanding than the "market" place in the city.

xbc "clash of the titans" part of the intro. Puts more stress on the GPU than anything else (even more demanding than dkcr l8-6 or the mkw menus).

Is there anything more demanding than this? 

Yeah. The Last Story.
His first item is The Last Story.
Probably co-op in Rebel Strike or the Cantina intro sequence, as long as MMU games aren't cheating ~

GPU-wise, anything that uses hardware bounding box is probably going to be an order of magnitude more costly than everything else.
Metroid Prime, the intro scene when Samus spaceship is landing on the station.
Monster Hunter Tri with EFB Access to CPU enabled. Have fun.
This sounds like a CPU->EFB Access bug.
Try this:
Get the latest version of Ishiiruka and enable the 'Fast EFB Access' option.
It might help with the slowdown.
It breaks the game as well.
The knights cutscene from tls is very demanding, but the new entry (see first post) stresses the CPU ~50% harder.