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Full Version: Using RAM dumps as savestates or dumping uncompressed savestates?
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I just was wondering if there is a way to load RAM dumps as save states or making uncompressed savestates to load them.
I'd like to try to have a look what happens to the game by loading modified ram dumps/save states. But this would work with uncompressed saves/RAM-dumps only
Dolphin has a builtin debugger; you can launch it by running "dolphin -d" from a command line. You can use that to view/modify memory.

If you really want uncompressed savestates, you can edit State.cpp in the source code to disable the compression, or write a small program to decompress savestates; the compression is just LZO.
I am used to have a .bat file with the command "dolphin.exe -d" to start it in debug mode.
But it doesn't allow me to load (modified) ram dumps.

Well, my c++ experience isn't that far to write my own compressor, yet. Do you know if a tool for this exists already?