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Full Version: Good laptop cant play shine?
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On dev builds before 4.0-1192, OpenGL is the fastest. Afterwards, use D3D
Depends on your GPU manufacturer. OGL seems faster for a lot of AMD cards (not mine, though I'm not complaining since I can play LoZ:WW full speed on both backends with 4xIR), but, iirc, there's a bug with newer NVidia drivers that makes OGL go hellishly slow, apparently.
My laptop is just that... A laptop... So imma run d3d9 then when haswell e comes out I'll build another rig
You won't see an advantage in Haswell E vs Haswell, unless you do one of a very few specific things. Even in those applications you'd probably see your money going to better use if it was used on something other than the CPU.
Has well is only 4 cores. That's garbage. E will go up to 8. I wwant 8 cores. 4 is prehistoric now.
Good luck finding things which will use the extra 4 cores which wouldn't run better on a GPU (unless you're actually going to be doing a lot of content creation).
I use 2x IR and I dont really see any slowdowns in OpenGL. I'm also using one the the latest nvidia drivers for my GTX 780, I don't see any bug that makes openGL hellishly slow.
The 780 is from the same chip as the Titan, which being from a Tesla architecture, has much better integer performance than most consumer-tier nVidia GPUs. This means it isn't affected by the OpenGL slowdown anywhere near as much.
drhycodan: We were unable to test GTX 780 and Titan due to no one testing having it. If you can confirm the performance differences at various IRs between 1192 and the previous build before it on a GTX 780, it'd help us understand how much of a difference the Tesla and Kepler have in performance.

Regardless, 780/Titan shouldn't be affected as much, we just don't have any idea how much that is.
What're you guys talking about. The GTX 780/Titan are based on the Kepler architecture. Just the full and most powerful Kepler chip, the GK110. Tesla achitecture was during the GTX 280/285 era.
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