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Full Version: [GC] Timesplitters 3 - Pink Grass
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Using Dolphin 4.0 DX11 - default settings.

The Grass in TS3 have pink artefacts.
[Image: izclf6.png]
That Tev_Fixes_New does not fix the issue although I can only use OpenGL with that branch as Direct3D gives me a pixel shader error.
What kind of error?

Also, can you record a 3 frame fifo log of the issue?
Direct3D error in Tex fixes
Quote:Failed to Compile pixel shader
error X3014: incorrect number of Arguments to numeric type
bad_ps_0001 Wrote://Pixel Shader for TEV stages
//1 TEV stages, 1 texgens, 0 IND stages
sampler samp0 : register(s0);
sampler samp1 : register(s1);
sampler samp2 : register(s2);
sampler samp3 : register(s3);
sampler samp4 : register(s4);
sampler samp5 : register(s5);
sampler samp6 : register(s6);
sampler samp7 : register(s7);

Texture2D Tex0 : register(t0);
Texture2D Tex1 : register(t1);
Texture2D Tex2 : register(t2);
Texture2D Tex3 : register(t3);
Texture2D Tex4 : register(t4);
Texture2D Tex5 : register(t5);
Texture2D Tex6 : register(t6);
Texture2D Tex7 : register(t7);

uniform float4 color[4] : register(c0);
uniform float4 k[4] : register(c4);
uniform float4 alphaRef[1] : register(c8);
uniform float4 texdim[8] : register(c9);
uniform float4 czbias[2] : register(c17);
uniform float4 cindscale[2] : register(c19);
uniform float4 cindmtx[6] : register(c21);
uniform float4 cfog[3] : register(c27);
uniform float4 cPLights[40] : register(c30);
uniform float4 cPmtrl[4] : register(c70);
void main(
out float4 ocol0 : SV_Target0,
in float4 rawpos : SV_Position,
in centroid float4 colors_0 : COLOR0,
in centroid float4 colors_1 : COLOR1,
in centroid float3 uv0 : TEXCOORD0,
in centroid float4 clipPos : TEXCOORD1 ) {
int4 ic0 = int4(color[1] * 255.0f), ic1 = int4(color[2] * 255.0f), ic2 = int4(color[3] * 255.0f), iprev = int4(color[0] * 255.0f);
int4 irastemp = int4(0), itextemp = int4(0), ikonsttemp = int4(0);
int3 comp16 = int3(1, 256, 0), comp24 = int3(1, 256, 256*256.0f);
int alphabump=0;
int3 tevcoord=int3(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
int2 wrappedcoord=int2(0.0f,0.0f); float2 tempcoord=float2(0.0f,0.0f);
int4 icc0=int4(0), icc1=int4(0);
int4 icc2=int4(0), icprev=int4(0);
int4 icrastemp = int4(0), ickonsttemp = int4(0);

clipPos = float4(rawpos.x, rawpos.y, clipPos.z, clipPos.w);
uv0.xy = uv0.xy * texdim[0].zw;
// TEV stage 0
irastemp = int4(colors_0 * 255.0f).rgba;
tevcoord.xy = int2(uv0.xy);
itextemp = int4(255.0f * Tex0.Sample(samp0,tevcoord.xy * texdim[0].xy)).rgba;
ikonsttemp = int4(int3(k[0].rgb * 255.0f), 255);
// color combine
iprev.rgb = clamp((((int3(0)&0xFF) * (int3(255) - (ikonsttemp.rgb&0xFF)) + (irastemp.rgb&0xFF) * (ikonsttemp.rgb&0xFF)) / 255)*2, int3(0), int3(255));
// alpha combine
iprev.a = clamp((((int4(0).a&0xFF) * (255 - (itextemp.a&0xFF)) + (irastemp.a&0xFF) * (itextemp.a&0xFF)) / 255)*2, 0, 255);

// TEV done
iprev = iprev & 0xFF;
float zCoord = rawpos.z;
ocol0 = float4(iprev) / 255.0f;

Please use a less crappy file hoster, the one you used doesn't work without enabling JScript for a gazillion of different sites.
Bump. Are you going to reupload the dff somewhere else?
Here you go neobrain. It's rarred now too.
... requires flash ... why don't people just use mediafire? :|

Anyway, that should work fine enough, thanks..

EDIT: Actually, it doesn't. My version of unrar doesn't support the archive and there's no recent version in my repos (or support for the new format was never implemented in unrar)
(That said, I generally prefer uncompressed uploads for dffs anyway since it's one work step less ... :p )
How did you not have Flash installed?
And sorry, yes, I rarred it with RAR5. Didn't know 7z didn't support it. I'll reupload it when I get home if someone else doesn't.

Ah, don't be so lazy, it's just one command or two clicks. Downloading 20mb on a slow connection takes longer than that.
And Mediafire sucks...
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