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Full Version: people can possibly test this?
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So i was running dolphin an noticed alot of lag, so i checked my PC 1st, opened up MSI after burner and noticed that the GPU was staying in its idle state (with an initial spike when the game had loaded, <5 seconds)

the fix was to not use the fast setting on texture cashe which somehow allowed the GPU clocks to turn to power mode.

So, check your core clock speed on the GPU with the texture cashe on fast (should result in core clocks always idle) and then with the pointer in the middle (should result in core clocks acting normally)

I'm using a gtx 670 with the 304.79 drivers, if people could test with their setup and post what gfx card and drivers they are using, as this could be the same issue the AMD 7000 series card had in that performance test thread.

its probs best to turn IR upto 4 so that the GPU has more load for it to kick in, an idle status will just have your GPU clocks staying at their lowest in msi afterburner, while normal clock state will have them change slightly over time, for me they stay around 600mhz on the core in power mode and 350mhz at idle.
This happens a lot on the 600 series, try maxing out the settings in dolphin.

I also had a thought, maybe enabling OpenCL would help?
Several other people reported the same issue.
You'll have to force your GPU to exit its idle state by raising your IR to x4 and turning (some) AA on.
(08-27-2012, 09:58 PM)Garteal Wrote: [ -> ]Several other people reported the same issue.
You'll have to force your GPU to exit its idle state by raising your IR to x4 and turning (some) AA on.

thats what i did, the but using the fast texture cache setting keeps the gpu in idle
Everything works normally on my hardware.
put the power plan on high performance maybe that will help.
(08-27-2012, 09:59 PM)linkinworm Wrote: [ -> ]thats what i did, the but using the fast texture cache setting keeps the gpu in idle

Then don't do that?
Quote:put the power plan on high performance maybe that will help.

Nope. It's an issue that both the geforce 600 series and HD7000 series cards have regardless of driver settings.
(08-28-2012, 06:35 AM)NaturalViolence Wrote: [ -> ]
Quote:put the power plan on high performance maybe that will help.

Nope. It's an issue that both the geforce 600 series and HD7000 series cards have regardless of driver settings.

then the only option i see is downloading rivatuner and force it to be on 3d performance. the only downside is that the idle temps will be a bit higher but if you can play dolhin then it shouldnt be a problem because you are gaming after all.
(08-28-2012, 07:14 AM)WarWeeny Wrote: [ -> ]the only downside is that the idle temps will be a bit higher but if you can play dolhin then it shouldnt be a problem because you are gaming after all.

And power usage
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