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Hey guys,

I was bored and noticed people releasing there own builds what is awesome,
And it saves the dev team time Smile.
But to save some people some messing up, I created this.
I hope this is the right place to release this Smile,
But here's what it does,

This simple .bat file will create a compressed version of the emu aka smaller size,
Using upx,
After that it will create 2 seperate .rar files,
Normal Dolphin and Dolphin_upx,
With in front of the name the rev number,

What makes it alot more easy to release right Smile.

@echo off
for /f "skip=3 delims=" %%a in (..\.svn\entries) do (
SET releasedRev=%%a
goto :next

echo Current rev is %releasedRev%

echo Copying Win32 Files!
xcopy /e/d C:\Dolphin\trunk\Binary\Win32\* C:\Dolphin\Ready_Release\Dolphin > log.txt
echo Copying Win32_upx Files!
xcopy /e/d C:\Dolphin\trunk\Binary\Win32\* C:\Dolphin\Ready_Release\Dolphin_upx\ > log.txt

echo Compressing .exe files
upx -9 Dolphin_upx\*.exe > log.txt
echo Compressing needed .dll files
upx -9 Dolphin_upx\*.dll > log.txt
echo Compressing plugins.
upx -9 Dolphin_upx\Plugins\*.dll > log.txt

echo Raring Win32 version!
cd .\Dolphin\
"C:\Program Files\WinRAR\"rar a -m5 -R Dolphin.rar .\ > ..\log.txt
move Dolphin.rar ..\[%releasedRev%]Dolphin.rar > ..\log.txt

echo Raring Win32_upx version!
cd ..\Dolphin_upx\
"C:\Program Files\WinRAR\"rar a -m5 -R Dolphin_upx.rar .\ > ..\log.txt
move Dolphin_upx.rar ..\[%releasedRev%]Dolphin_upx.rar > ..\log.txt

del ..\log.txt

echo Finished!!!

Now ok make sure Your Revision Source directory is in,
Now in "C:\Dolphin\"
Create a directory called "Ready_Release"
Aka "C:\Dolphin\Ready_Release\"
Create a .bat file in there and place the code Smile,
Now download upx latest version should work like a charm,
And place the upx.exe next to the created .bat file,
Now create 2 directory's
Dolphin and Dolphin_upx,

Compile your build and when finished run the .bat file Smile.
I got nothing to deal with devs or compilers , but this seems to me like a great Idea.

Good work.
i got a batch to make revs for me a loooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooong time ago lol
hell i think ive shared it with x some time ago

i guess ill post my source tho XD

EDIT: there. all the files(from the attached zip) should be located in your Binary folder and the 7z will have auto rev name + it'll be like i make my builds now (zip with in that a batch to extract the 7z incase the user doesn't have 7zip )
@echo off
echo easy dolphin zipper made by DacoTaco
echo -------------------------------------
echo checking rev...
..\Source\Core\Common\SubWCRev.exe "..\." "rev_template.txt" "rev.txt"
for /f "tokens=1-2," %%a in (rev.txt) do (
set rev=%%a
echo Starting Dolphin !!!!!!32bit!!!!!!!! packing
cd win32
del Dolphin32bit.7z
del Dolphin_*.zip
echo making temp folder...
mkdir temp_rev
cd temp_rev
xcopy ..\..\..\Data\Sys\* Sys\* /e /y
xcopy ..\..\..\Data\User\* User\* /e /y
xcopy ..\Plugins\*.dll Plugins\*.dll /y
xcopy ..\*.dll *.dll /y
copy ..\*.exe *.exe /y
echo packing 32bit...
del Plugins\Plugin_nJoy_SDL_Test.*
..\..\7z.exe a -t7z ..\Dolphin32bit.7z *
cd ..
rmdir temp_rev /s /q
..\7z.exe a Dolphin32bit.7z ..\7z.exe ..\7z.dll extract.bat
echo coping...
echo Starting Dolphin !!!!!!64bit!!!!!!!! packing
echo packing 64bit...
cd ..\x64
del Dolphin64bit.7z
del Dolphin_*.zip
echo making temp folder...
mkdir temp_rev
cd temp_rev
xcopy ..\..\..\Data\Sys\* Sys\* /e /y
xcopy ..\..\..\Data\User\* User\* /e /y
xcopy ..\Plugins\*.dll Plugins\*.dll /y
xcopy ..\*.dll *.dll /y
copy ..\*.exe *.exe /y
echo packing 64bit...
del Plugins\Plugin_nJoy_SDL_Test.*
..\..\7z.exe a -t7z ..\Dolphin64bit.7z *
cd ..
rmdir temp_rev /s /q
..\7z.exe a Dolphin64bit.7z ..\7z.exe ..\7z.dll extract.bat
echo coping...
echo all done
set rev=
@echo on
Yours is probably better then mine,
I trown it together quite fast so Big Grin,

But should be nice to see yours if its better then mine then i will use yours :p.
(05-26-2009, 05:22 AM)ThuGie Wrote: [ -> ]Hehe,
Yours is probably better then mine,
I trown it together quite fast so Big Grin,

But should be nice to see yours if its better then mine then i will use yours :p.
already did Tongue
Ah yes i just noticed lol,
When i read your message with "already did :p",
I was checking your threads and was like i dont see it,
Then i reread it and noticed you edited your post lol :p,

And i like mine a bit better :$ sorry,
But are you able to build x64 builds ?
Since as you can read in my other posts i am unable to do so Sad.
(05-26-2009, 05:32 AM)ThuGie Wrote: [ -> ]Ah yes i just noticed lol,
When i read your message with "already did :p",
I was checking your threads and was like i dont see it,
Then i reread it and noticed you edited your post lol :p,

And i like mine a bit better :$ sorry,
But are you able to build x64 builds ?
Since as you can read in my other posts i am unable to do so Sad.
yes i can :/
that batch can do both :/

im guessing no upx for 64bit?
Nah i mean really build,
As in compile 64bit..
(05-26-2009, 05:38 AM)ThuGie Wrote: [ -> ]Nah i mean really build,
As in compile 64bit..
oh :/
whats the problem?
Who has the Biggest One ?? Hmmm? LOOOOL
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