Hey guys,
I was bored and noticed people releasing there own builds what is awesome,
And it saves the dev team time .
But to save some people some messing up, I created this.
I hope this is the right place to release this ,
But here's what it does,
This simple .bat file will create a compressed version of the emu aka smaller size,
Using upx,
After that it will create 2 seperate .rar files,
Normal Dolphin and Dolphin_upx,
With in front of the name the rev number,
What makes it alot more easy to release right .
Now ok make sure Your Revision Source directory is in,
Now in "C:\Dolphin\"
Create a directory called "Ready_Release"
Aka "C:\Dolphin\Ready_Release\"
Create a .bat file in there and place the code ,
Now download upx latest version should work like a charm,
And place the upx.exe next to the created .bat file,
Now create 2 directory's
Dolphin and Dolphin_upx,
Compile your build and when finished run the .bat file .
I was bored and noticed people releasing there own builds what is awesome,
And it saves the dev team time .
But to save some people some messing up, I created this.
I hope this is the right place to release this ,
But here's what it does,
This simple .bat file will create a compressed version of the emu aka smaller size,
Using upx,
After that it will create 2 seperate .rar files,
Normal Dolphin and Dolphin_upx,
With in front of the name the rev number,
What makes it alot more easy to release right .
@echo off
for /f "skip=3 delims=" %%a in (..\.svn\entries) do (
SET releasedRev=%%a
goto :next
echo Current rev is %releasedRev%
echo Copying Win32 Files!
xcopy /e/d C:\Dolphin\trunk\Binary\Win32\* C:\Dolphin\Ready_Release\Dolphin > log.txt
echo Copying Win32_upx Files!
xcopy /e/d C:\Dolphin\trunk\Binary\Win32\* C:\Dolphin\Ready_Release\Dolphin_upx\ > log.txt
echo Compressing .exe files
upx -9 Dolphin_upx\*.exe > log.txt
echo Compressing needed .dll files
upx -9 Dolphin_upx\*.dll > log.txt
echo Compressing plugins.
upx -9 Dolphin_upx\Plugins\*.dll > log.txt
echo Raring Win32 version!
cd .\Dolphin\
"C:\Program Files\WinRAR\"rar a -m5 -R Dolphin.rar .\ > ..\log.txt
move Dolphin.rar ..\[%releasedRev%]Dolphin.rar > ..\log.txt
echo Raring Win32_upx version!
cd ..\Dolphin_upx\
"C:\Program Files\WinRAR\"rar a -m5 -R Dolphin_upx.rar .\ > ..\log.txt
move Dolphin_upx.rar ..\[%releasedRev%]Dolphin_upx.rar > ..\log.txt
del ..\log.txt
echo Finished!!!
Now ok make sure Your Revision Source directory is in,
Now in "C:\Dolphin\"
Create a directory called "Ready_Release"
Aka "C:\Dolphin\Ready_Release\"
Create a .bat file in there and place the code ,
Now download upx latest version should work like a charm,
And place the upx.exe next to the created .bat file,
Now create 2 directory's
Dolphin and Dolphin_upx,
Compile your build and when finished run the .bat file .