I was just curios why the emulator offers a magnitude or strength? I'm not sure about wii but GC controller are a fix motor. The test applet from the controller setting menu has a bar and if used with a variable motor like a PlayStation controller, it works. That's great but why? I also sniffed Force Feeback packets when playing Mario kart and its still doing that.
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Now, hold up a minute... Where in the heck is that coming from? For anyone that has no experience with the Gamecube controller, they can learn for themself, it does not support a variable mode It's simply on or off. So that begs the question, why would a game send that data?
Tested using:
Dolphin 5.0 - 14095
Game Mario Kart US
Controller: Many HID dinput controllers, all do the same thing.
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Now, hold up a minute... Where in the heck is that coming from? For anyone that has no experience with the Gamecube controller, they can learn for themself, it does not support a variable mode It's simply on or off. So that begs the question, why would a game send that data?
Tested using:
Dolphin 5.0 - 14095
Game Mario Kart US
Controller: Many HID dinput controllers, all do the same thing.
main page
Working controllers