My guide assumes you are running Windows 7 x86_x64.
First install VS2010, the Win7 SDK 7.1, then the DirectX SDK June 2010.
(You can get VS2010 pro from DreamSpark for Free, or MSDNAA through your school)
For the SDK installs you probably need to right click>run as administrator, and maybe disable your antivirus, including Microsoft Security Essentials. Also the DirectX SDK might fail if you download it using IE8 (for reals, lolz), and both might fail if you select non-essential install options.
The default install options are fine for building dolphin.
My DirectX SDK install failed unless I disabled Microsoft Security Essentials.
Then install Tortoise SVN (there is a separate Dolphin guide for that), download Dolphin, then open the solution file.
At the top select the configuration you want to build. Most likely you want the 'Release" "x64" configuration unless you need to debug something.
If you want to use the other configurations you might have to set the below options more than once for each configuration. VS's selection pages are a little weird and might not let you easily set it for all configurations at one time. (I think it was easier in VS 2008)
Select all projects in the solution (using shift + arrow keys), then right click and select properties, then select Configuration Properties>General>Platform Toolset and set it to Windows.7.1SDK. (default is v100)
Then under VC++ Directories click on the include and library directories and set them for the DirectX SDK.
If you install it in the default area then just copy and paste these directories in (for x86_x64):
C:\Program Files %28x86%29\Microsoft DirectX SDK %28June 2010%29\Include;$(IncludePath)
C:\Program Files %28x86%29\Microsoft DirectX SDK %28June 2010%29\Lib\x64;$(LibraryPath)
Or click edit and go navigate to the directories, and it will add them correctly. The Library directory is different for regular x86.
Now obviously all projects don't need the direct X SDK but this is the fastest way to set it. As of right now AudioCommon, VideoDX11, and VideoDX9 currently need it. But this might change of course.
Now you should be able to hit "ok" to save your changes, then right click on the Dolphin Solution and hit rebuild all.
This should work if you are lucky.
Now you can build without having to run VS from the windows 7 SDK command line or anything funny like that.
If it built Dolphin.exe will be under <Your SVN Directory>\Binary\x64\.
Now you can make a shortcut on your desktop or somewhere and start using it.
I hear right now that Intel's compiler doesn't work yet on VS2010, so maybe when Version 12 comes out we can update this guide for that. (It will be pretty complicated to set it up I bet.)
I think you can purchase a basic student copy for under $200.
Although a Sandy Bridge i5 2500k + water cooling might be a better way to spend your money.
Even without Intel's compiler we can still hand write SSE4 and AVX instructions in Dolphin.
First install VS2010, the Win7 SDK 7.1, then the DirectX SDK June 2010.
(You can get VS2010 pro from DreamSpark for Free, or MSDNAA through your school)
For the SDK installs you probably need to right click>run as administrator, and maybe disable your antivirus, including Microsoft Security Essentials. Also the DirectX SDK might fail if you download it using IE8 (for reals, lolz), and both might fail if you select non-essential install options.
The default install options are fine for building dolphin.
My DirectX SDK install failed unless I disabled Microsoft Security Essentials.
Then install Tortoise SVN (there is a separate Dolphin guide for that), download Dolphin, then open the solution file.
At the top select the configuration you want to build. Most likely you want the 'Release" "x64" configuration unless you need to debug something.
If you want to use the other configurations you might have to set the below options more than once for each configuration. VS's selection pages are a little weird and might not let you easily set it for all configurations at one time. (I think it was easier in VS 2008)
Select all projects in the solution (using shift + arrow keys), then right click and select properties, then select Configuration Properties>General>Platform Toolset and set it to Windows.7.1SDK. (default is v100)
Then under VC++ Directories click on the include and library directories and set them for the DirectX SDK.
If you install it in the default area then just copy and paste these directories in (for x86_x64):
C:\Program Files %28x86%29\Microsoft DirectX SDK %28June 2010%29\Include;$(IncludePath)
C:\Program Files %28x86%29\Microsoft DirectX SDK %28June 2010%29\Lib\x64;$(LibraryPath)
Or click edit and go navigate to the directories, and it will add them correctly. The Library directory is different for regular x86.
Now obviously all projects don't need the direct X SDK but this is the fastest way to set it. As of right now AudioCommon, VideoDX11, and VideoDX9 currently need it. But this might change of course.
Now you should be able to hit "ok" to save your changes, then right click on the Dolphin Solution and hit rebuild all.
This should work if you are lucky.
Now you can build without having to run VS from the windows 7 SDK command line or anything funny like that.
If it built Dolphin.exe will be under <Your SVN Directory>\Binary\x64\.
Now you can make a shortcut on your desktop or somewhere and start using it.
I hear right now that Intel's compiler doesn't work yet on VS2010, so maybe when Version 12 comes out we can update this guide for that. (It will be pretty complicated to set it up I bet.)
I think you can purchase a basic student copy for under $200.
Although a Sandy Bridge i5 2500k + water cooling might be a better way to spend your money.
Even without Intel's compiler we can still hand write SSE4 and AVX instructions in Dolphin.