00:56:468 Src\HW\WiimoteReal\WiimoteReal.cpp:459 N[Wiimote]: WiimoteReal::Initialize 00:56:468 Src\Boot\Boot.cpp:185 N[BOOT]: Booting C:\Xenoblade Chronicles.ciso 00:56:476 Src\HLE\HLE_OS.cpp:39 N[OSREPORT]: 81200614->81300000| Apploader Initialized. 00:56:476 Src\HLE\HLE_OS.cpp:39 N[OSREPORT]: 81200630->81300000| This Apploader built Jun 22 2009 18:54:04 for RVL 00:56:855 Src\PowerPC\SignatureDB.cpp:120 E[HLE]: Wrong size! Found GXInitLightAttn at 8031de18 (size: 00000024 instead of 0000001c)! 00:56:856 Src\PowerPC\SignatureDB.cpp:120 E[HLE]: Wrong size! Found GXSetDispCopyGamma at 8031db14 (size: 00000020 instead of 00000014)! 00:56:856 Src\PowerPC\SignatureDB.cpp:120 E[HLE]: Wrong size! Found __OSLoadFPUContext at 80357278 (size: 0000012c instead of 00000124)! 00:56:857 Src\PowerPC\SignatureDB.cpp:120 E[HLE]: Wrong size! Found PSQUATDotProduct at 80350d14 (size: 0000002c instead of 00000020)! 00:56:857 Src\PowerPC\SignatureDB.cpp:120 E[HLE]: Wrong size! Found glx_SetLoadCallback(unsigned long (*)(unsigned long)) at 80356518 (size: 00000018 instead of 00000010)! 00:56:857 Src\PowerPC\SignatureDB.cpp:120 E[HLE]: Wrong size! Found DCInvalidateRange at 80356be4 (size: 00000038 instead of 0000002c)! 00:56:858 Src\PowerPC\SignatureDB.cpp:120 E[HLE]: Wrong size! Found OnReset at 80369754 (size: 0000001c instead of 00000010)! 00:56:859 Src\PowerPC\SignatureDB.cpp:120 E[HLE]: Wrong size! Found nlVector3::Set(float, float, float) at 8031e0c4 (size: 0000001c instead of 00000010)! 00:56:859 Src\PowerPC\SignatureDB.cpp:120 E[HLE]: Wrong size! Found hioEnumCallback(long) at 80314638 (size: 00000014 instead of 0000000c)! 00:56:860 Src\PowerPC\SignatureDB.cpp:120 E[HLE]: Wrong size! Found DCStoreRangeNoSync at 80356cac (size: 00000030 instead of 0000002c)! 00:56:860 Src\PowerPC\SignatureDB.cpp:120 E[HLE]: Wrong size! Found VMBASEGetVirtualAddrFromPageInMRAM at 8035b7a4 (size: 0000001c instead of 00000010)! 00:56:861 Src\PowerPC\SignatureDB.cpp:120 E[HLE]: Wrong size! Found ICInvalidateRange at 80356d0c (size: 00000038 instead of 00000034)! 00:56:861 Src\PowerPC\SignatureDB.cpp:120 E[HLE]: Wrong size! Found __flush_cache at 800065e4 (size: 00000040 instead of 00000034)! 00:56:861 Src\PowerPC\SignatureDB.cpp:120 E[HLE]: Wrong size! Found DCZeroRange at 80356cdc (size: 00000030 instead of 0000002c)! 00:56:862 Src\PowerPC\SignatureDB.cpp:120 E[HLE]: Wrong size! Found PSMTXScale at 803504bc (size: 0000002c instead of 00000028)! 00:56:863 Src\PowerPC\SignatureDB.cpp:120 E[HLE]: Wrong size! Found OSGetTime at 8035f6c8 (size: 00000020 instead of 00000018)! 00:56:865 Src\PowerPC\SignatureDB.cpp:120 E[HLE]: Wrong size! Found DSPSendMailToDSP at 8030bb94 (size: 00000020 instead of 00000014)! 00:56:868 Src\PowerPC\SignatureDB.cpp:120 E[HLE]: Wrong size! Found __LCEnable at 80356d74 (size: 000000d8 instead of 000000cc)! 00:56:874 Src\PowerPC\SignatureDB.cpp:120 E[HLE]: Wrong size! Found AIGetStreamPlayState at 80355954 (size: 0000001c instead of 00000010)! 00:56:877 Src\PowerPC\SignatureDB.cpp:120 E[HLE]: Wrong size! Found GXInitLightColor at 8031e25c (size: 00000010 instead of 0000000c)! 00:56:881 Src\PowerPC\SignatureDB.cpp:120 E[HLE]: Wrong size! Found OSSaveContext at 8035755c (size: 00000084 instead of 00000080)! 00:56:885 Src\PowerPC\SignatureDB.cpp:120 E[HLE]: Wrong size! Found LCDisable at 80356e88 (size: 00000030 instead of 00000028)! 00:56:889 Src\PowerPC\SignatureDB.cpp:120 E[HLE]: Wrong size! Found OSRestoreInterrupts at 8035b754 (size: 00000030 instead of 00000024)! 00:56:892 Src\PowerPC\SignatureDB.cpp:120 E[HLE]: Wrong size! Found LCQueueWait at 80356fcc (size: 00000018 instead of 00000014)! 00:56:897 Src\PowerPC\SignatureDB.cpp:120 E[HLE]: Wrong size! Found OSEnableInterrupts at 8035b734 (size: 00000020 instead of 00000014)! 00:56:901 Src\PowerPC\SignatureDB.cpp:120 E[HLE]: Wrong size! Found OSGetResetCode at 8035d518 (size: 00000038 instead of 00000030)! 00:56:905 Src\PowerPC\SignatureDB.cpp:120 E[HLE]: Wrong size! Found __OSFPRInit at 803544e4 (size: 00000134 instead of 00000128)! 00:56:911 Src\PowerPC\SignatureDB.cpp:120 E[HLE]: Wrong size! Found ___blank(char *,...) at 8037f348 (size: 00000058 instead of 00000050)! 00:56:914 Src\PowerPC\SignatureDB.cpp:120 E[HLE]: Wrong size! Found PSMTXTrans at 8035042c (size: 00000038 instead of 00000034)! 00:56:918 Src\PowerPC\SignatureDB.cpp:120 E[HLE]: Wrong size! Found EmissionControllerFinished(EmissionController &, ExplosionFragment *) at 8035334c (size: 00000010 instead of 0000000c)! 00:56:920 Src\PowerPC\SignatureDB.cpp:120 E[HLE]: Wrong size! Found GXClearGPMetric at 8032184c (size: 00000014 instead of 00000010)! 00:56:922 Src\PowerPC\SignatureDB.cpp:120 E[HLE]: Wrong size! Found cCameraManager::PushWorldUpVector(void) at 803475f4 (size: 0000001c instead of 00000010)! 00:56:925 Src\PowerPC\SignatureDB.cpp:120 E[HLE]: Wrong size! Found __OSSaveFPUContext at 803573a4 (size: 00000134 instead of 00000128)! 00:56:928 Src\PowerPC\SignatureDB.cpp:120 E[HLE]: Wrong size! Found PSMTXConcat at 8034fe14 (size: 000000d8 instead of 000000cc)! 00:56:929 Src\PowerPC\SignatureDB.cpp:120 E[HLE]: Wrong size! Found SITransferCommands at 80364d44 (size: 0000001c instead of 00000010)! 00:56:932 Src\PowerPC\SignatureDB.cpp:120 E[HLE]: Wrong size! Found PlatAudio::IsEntireSampleFileInMem(void) at 80312c7c (size: 00000018 instead of 00000014)! 00:56:934 Src\PowerPC\SignatureDB.cpp:120 E[HLE]: Wrong size! Found OSGetCurrentContext at 8035c20c (size: 00000010 instead of 0000000c)! 00:56:936 Src\PowerPC\SignatureDB.cpp:120 E[HLE]: Wrong size! Found __init_hardware at 800065b8 (size: 0000002c instead of 00000024)! 00:56:938 Src\PowerPC\SignatureDB.cpp:120 E[HLE]: Wrong size! Found __OSBootDol at 80359574 (size: 000001ec instead of 000001e0)! 00:56:940 Src\PowerPC\SignatureDB.cpp:120 E[HLE]: Wrong size! Found __ARGetInterruptStatus at 802d3b28 (size: 00000018 instead of 00000010)! 00:56:944 Src\PowerPC\SignatureDB.cpp:120 E[HLE]: Wrong size! Found ICFlashInvalidate at 80356d44 (size: 0000001c instead of 00000010)! 00:56:947 Src\PowerPC\SignatureDB.cpp:120 E[HLE]: Wrong size! Found LCStoreBlocks at 80356ee4 (size: 00000030 instead of 00000024)! 00:56:951 Src\PowerPC\SignatureDB.cpp:120 E[HLE]: Wrong size! Found DCFlushRange at 80356c1c (size: 00000034 instead of 00000030)! 00:57:212 Src\HW\EXI_DeviceIPL.cpp:284 N[OSREPORT]: << RVL_SDK - EXI release build: Feb 27 2009 10:02:03 (0x4302_145) >> 00:57:217 Src\HW\EXI_DeviceIPL.cpp:284 N[OSREPORT]: << RVL_SDK - SI release build: Feb 27 2009 10:04:44 (0x4302_145) >> 00:57:219 Src\HW\DSP.cpp:444 E[DSP]: AR_INFO 43 PC: 80356990 00:57:258 Src\HW\EXI_DeviceIPL.cpp:284 N[OSREPORT]: 00:57:258 Src\HW\EXI_DeviceIPL.cpp:284 N[OSREPORT]: Revolution OS 00:57:259 Src\HW\EXI_DeviceIPL.cpp:284 N[OSREPORT]: Kernel built : Feb 27 2009 10:04:29 00:57:260 Src\HW\EXI_DeviceIPL.cpp:284 N[OSREPORT]: Console Type : NDEV 2.1 00:57:262 Src\HW\EXI_DeviceIPL.cpp:284 N[OSREPORT]: Firmware : 53.16.17 (6/25/2007) 00:57:264 Src\HW\EXI_DeviceIPL.cpp:284 N[OSREPORT]: Memory 88 MB 00:57:265 Src\HW\EXI_DeviceIPL.cpp:284 N[OSREPORT]: MEM1 Arena : 0x8067b560 - 0x817fa380 00:57:266 Src\HW\EXI_DeviceIPL.cpp:284 N[OSREPORT]: MEM2 Arena : 0x90000800 - 0x93ae0000 00:57:267 Src\HW\EXI_DeviceIPL.cpp:284 N[OSREPORT]: << RVL_SDK - OS release build: Feb 27 2009 10:04:29 (0x4302_145) >> 00:57:390 Src\HW\EXI_DeviceIPL.cpp:284 N[OSREPORT]: << RVL_SDK - SC release build: Feb 27 2009 10:05:17 (0x4302_145) >> 00:57:393 Src\HW\EXI_DeviceIPL.cpp:284 N[OSREPORT]: << RVL_SDK - NAND release build: Feb 27 2009 10:05:16 (0x4302_145) >> 00:57:398 Src\HW\EXI_DeviceIPL.cpp:284 N[OSREPORT]: << RVL_SDK - DVD release build: Feb 27 2009 10:01:59 (0x4302_145) >> 00:57:404 Src\HW\EXI_DeviceIPL.cpp:284 N[OSREPORT]: ProgArea (aaa0 / 686000) 00:57:405 Src\HW\EXI_DeviceIPL.cpp:284 N[OSREPORT]: << RVL_SDK - VI release build: Feb 27 2009 10:04:46 (0x4302_145) >> 00:57:459 Src\HW\EXI_DeviceIPL.cpp:284 N[OSREPORT]: << RVL_SDK - GX release build: Feb 27 2009 10:04:13 (0x4302_145) >> 00:57:500 Src\HW\EXI_DeviceIPL.cpp:284 N[OSREPORT]: << RVL_SDK - WPAD release build: Jun 22 2009 18:33:21 (0x4302_145) >> 00:57:501 Src\HW\EXI_DeviceIPL.cpp:284 N[OSREPORT]: << RVL_SDK - KPAD release build: Jun 22 2009 18:32:13 (0x4302_145) >> 00:57:869 Src\HW\EXI_DeviceIPL.cpp:284 N[OSREPORT]: << RVL_SDK - AI release build: Feb 27 2009 10:01:30 (0x4302_145) >> 00:57:927 Src\HW\EXI_DeviceIPL.cpp:284 N[OSREPORT]: << RVL_SDK - AX release build: Feb 27 2009 10:01:36 (0x4302_145) >> 00:57:928 Src\HW\EXI_DeviceIPL.cpp:284 N[OSREPORT]: << RVL_SDK - DSP release build: Feb 27 2009 10:01:57 (0x4302_145) >> 00:57:934 Src\HW\EXI_DeviceIPL.cpp:284 N[OSREPORT]: << NW4R - G3D final build: Nov 20 2008 03:23:14 (0x4199_60831) >> 00:57:936 Src\HW\EXI_DeviceIPL.cpp:284 N[OSREPORT]: << NW4R - LYT final build: Aug 21 2008 05:21:58 (0x4199_60831) >> 00:57:943 Src\HW\EXI_DeviceIPL.cpp:284 N[OSREPORT]: << RVL_SDK - ENC release build: Feb 27 2009 10:05:42 (0x4302_145) >> 00:58:803 Src\HW\EXI_DeviceIPL.cpp:284 N[OSREPORT]: << NW4R - SND final build: Nov 20 2008 03:40:00 (0x4199_60831) >> 01:26:138 Src\HW\EXI_DeviceIPL.cpp:284 N[OSREPORT]: << NW4R - SND final build: Nov 20 2008 03:40:00 (0x4199_60831) >>