Information:Gradle tasks [:app:assembleDolphinRelease] :app:preBuild UP-TO-DATE :app:preDolphinReleaseBuild UP-TO-DATE :app:checkDolphinReleaseManifest :app:preDolphinDebugBuild UP-TO-DATE :app:prepareComAndroidSupportAppcompatV72311Library UP-TO-DATE :app:prepareComAndroidSupportCardviewV72311Library UP-TO-DATE :app:prepareComAndroidSupportDesign2311Library UP-TO-DATE :app:prepareComAndroidSupportLeanbackV172311Library UP-TO-DATE :app:prepareComAndroidSupportRecyclerviewV72311Library UP-TO-DATE :app:prepareComAndroidSupportSupportV132311Library UP-TO-DATE :app:prepareComAndroidSupportSupportV42311Library UP-TO-DATE :app:prepareDeHdodenhofCircleimageview122Library UP-TO-DATE :app:prepareIoReactivexRxandroid110Library UP-TO-DATE :app:prepareDolphinReleaseDependencies :app:compileDolphinReleaseAidl UP-TO-DATE :app:compileDolphinReleaseRenderscript UP-TO-DATE :app:generateDolphinReleaseBuildConfig UP-TO-DATE :app:mergeDolphinReleaseShaders UP-TO-DATE :app:compileDolphinReleaseShaders UP-TO-DATE :app:generateDolphinReleaseAssets UP-TO-DATE :app:mergeDolphinReleaseAssets UP-TO-DATE :app:generateDolphinReleaseResValues UP-TO-DATE :app:generateDolphinReleaseResources UP-TO-DATE :app:mergeDolphinReleaseResources UP-TO-DATE :app:processDolphinReleaseManifest UP-TO-DATE :app:processDolphinReleaseResources UP-TO-DATE :app:generateDolphinReleaseSources UP-TO-DATE :app:incrementalDolphinReleaseJavaCompilationSafeguard :app:compileDolphinReleaseJavaWithJavac :app:compileDolphinReleaseJavaWithJavac - is not incremental (e.g. outputs have changed, no previous execution, etc.). Note: Some input files use or override a deprecated API. Note: Recompile with -Xlint:deprecation for details. :app:generateJsonModelDolphinRelease :app:externalNativeBuildDolphinRelease :app:compileDolphinReleaseSources :app:lintVitalDolphinRelease ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ D:\Android\Projects\dolphin-android\Source\Android\app\src\main\res\values\arrays.xml Error:(135) Error: "country_names" is not translated in "ja" (Japanese) [MissingTranslation] Error:(151) Error: "gcpadTypeEntries" is not translated in "ja" (Japanese) [MissingTranslation] Error:(162) Error: "wiimoteTypeEntries" is not translated in "ja" (Japanese) [MissingTranslation] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Slot 6 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Controller Bindings ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ GameCube Controllers ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Wii Controllers (Wiimotes) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Buttons ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Directional Keys ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Main Stick Navigation ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ C-Stick Navigation ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Analog Triggers ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Modifier Range ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Analog Radius (High value = High sensitivity) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Analog Threshold (Low value = High sensitivity) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ IR Motion Controls ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Swing Navigation ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Tilt Navigation ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Shake Controls ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Analog Stick Navigation ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Wiimote Extension ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Choose which Extension you want to use with the Wiimote ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Nunchuk ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Classic Controller ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Guitar ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Drums ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Turntable ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Stick Up ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Stick Down ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Stick Left ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Stick Right ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ IR Hide ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Swing Forward ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Swing Backward ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Tilt Modifier ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Button C ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Button ZL ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Button ZR ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Left Analog Stick Navigation ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Left Stick Up ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Left Stick Down ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Left Stick Left ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Left Stick Right ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Right Analog Stick Navigation ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Right Stick Up ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Right Stick Down ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Right Stick Left ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Right Stick Right ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Guitar Frets ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Red Fret ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Red Fret ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Yellow Fret ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Blue Fret ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Orange Fret ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Strum Up ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Strum Down ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Guitar Whammy ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Whammy Bar ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Drum Pads ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Red Pad ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Yellow Pad ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Blue Pad ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Green Pad ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Orange Pad ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Bass Pad ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Green Left ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Red Left ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Blue Left ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Green Right ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Red Right ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Blue Right ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Euphoria ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Left Turntable ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Left Table Left ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Left Table Right ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Right Turntable ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Right Table Left ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Right Table Right ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Effects ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Effect Dial ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Crossfade ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Crossfade Left ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Crossfade Right ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Cached Interpreter ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Override Emulated CPU Clock Speed ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Higher values can make variable-framerate games run at a higher framerate, requiring a powerful device. Lower values make games run at a lower framerate, increasing emulation speed, but reducing the emulated console\'s performance. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Emulated CPU Clock Speed ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ WARNING: Changing this from the default (100%) WILL break games and cause glitches. Please do not report bugs that occur with a non-default clock. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Wiimote Continuous Scanning ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Leave this on if you are using a DolphinBar for real Wiimote support. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Wiimote Speaker ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Enable sound output through the speaker on a real Wiimote (DolphinBar required). ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Stereoscopy ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Stereoscopy allows you to get a better feeling of depth if you have the necessary hardware.\nHeavily decreases emulation speed and sometimes causes issues ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Stereoscopy Mode ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Select the stereoscopic 3D mode. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Depth ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Control the distance between the virtual cameras.\nA higher value creates a stronger feeling of depth while a lower value is more comfortable. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Convergence ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Control the distance of the convergence plane, this is the distance at which objects will appear to be in front of the screen.\nA higher value creates stronger out-of-screen effects while a lower value is more comfortable. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Swap Eyes ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Swap the left and right eye, mostly useful if you want to view side-by-side cross-eyed. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Aspect Ratio ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Select what aspect ratio to use when rendering ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Dolphin New UI ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ CPU Settings ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Video Settings ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ GameCube Input ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Wii Input ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Refresh Library ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Add Folder to Library ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Up one level ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ That folder is empty. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Exit Without Saving ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Settings ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ CPU Settings ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Input Settings ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Extension Bindings ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Video Settings ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Emulation Activity ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ OK ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Cancel ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Toggle Touch Controls ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Quick Save ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Quick Load ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Refresh Wiimotes ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Enable Vibration ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Enable the vibration function for this GameCube controller. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Bongo Controller ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Enable this if you are using bongos on this port. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ General ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Controllers ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ D:\Android\Projects\dolphin-android\Source\Android\app\src\main\res\values\strings.xml Error:(69) Error: "overlay_slot6" is not translated in "ja" (Japanese) [MissingTranslation] Error:(78) Error: "controller_bindings" is not translated in "ja" (Japanese) [MissingTranslation] Error:(79) Error: "controller_gc" is not translated in "ja" (Japanese) [MissingTranslation] Error:(80) Error: "controller_wii" is not translated in "ja" (Japanese) [MissingTranslation] Error:(91) Error: "controller_buttons" is not translated in "ja" (Japanese) [MissingTranslation] Error:(92) Error: "controller_dpad" is not translated in "ja" (Japanese) [MissingTranslation] Error:(93) Error: "controller_main" is not translated in "ja" (Japanese) [MissingTranslation] Error:(94) Error: "controller_c" is not translated in "ja" (Japanese) [MissingTranslation] Error:(95) Error: "controller_trig" is not translated in "ja" (Japanese) [MissingTranslation] Error:(96) Error: "modifier_range" is not translated in "ja" (Japanese) [MissingTranslation] Error:(97) Error: "analog_radius" is not translated in "ja" (Japanese) [MissingTranslation] Error:(98) Error: "analog_threshold" is not translated in "ja" (Japanese) [MissingTranslation] Error:(109) Error: "wiimote_ir" is not translated in "ja" (Japanese) [MissingTranslation] Error:(110) Error: "wiimote_swing" is not translated in "ja" (Japanese) [MissingTranslation] Error:(111) Error: "wiimote_tilt" is not translated in "ja" (Japanese) [MissingTranslation] Error:(112) Error: "wiimote_shake" is not translated in "ja" (Japanese) [MissingTranslation] Error:(113) Error: "wiimote_stick" is not translated in "ja" (Japanese) [MissingTranslation] Error:(114) Error: "wiimote_extensions" is not translated in "ja" (Japanese) [MissingTranslation] Error:(115) Error: "wiimote_extensions_descrip" is not translated in "ja" (Japanese) [MissingTranslation] Error:(116) Error: "show_nunchuk" is not translated in "ja" (Japanese) [MissingTranslation] Error:(117) Error: "show_classic" is not translated in "ja" (Japanese) [MissingTranslation] Error:(118) Error: "show_guitar" is not translated in "ja" (Japanese) [MissingTranslation] Error:(119) Error: "show_drums" is not translated in "ja" (Japanese) [MissingTranslation] Error:(120) Error: "show_turntable" is not translated in "ja" (Japanese) [MissingTranslation] Error:(152) Error: "stick_up" is not translated in "ja" (Japanese) [MissingTranslation] Error:(153) Error: "stick_down" is not translated in "ja" (Japanese) [MissingTranslation] Error:(154) Error: "stick_left" is not translated in "ja" (Japanese) [MissingTranslation] Error:(155) Error: "stick_right" is not translated in "ja" (Japanese) [MissingTranslation] Error:(162) Error: "ir_hide" is not translated in "ja" (Japanese) [MissingTranslation] Error:(167) Error: "swing_forward" is not translated in "ja" (Japanese) [MissingTranslation] Error:(168) Error: "swing_backward" is not translated in "ja" (Japanese) [MissingTranslation] Error:(173) Error: "tilt_modifier" is not translated in "ja" (Japanese) [MissingTranslation] Error:(179) Error: "nunchuk_button_c" is not translated in "ja" (Japanese) [MissingTranslation] Error:(182) Error: "classic_button_zl" is not translated in "ja" (Japanese) [MissingTranslation] Error:(183) Error: "classic_button_zr" is not translated in "ja" (Japanese) [MissingTranslation] Error:(184) Error: "classic_leftstick" is not translated in "ja" (Japanese) [MissingTranslation] Error:(185) Error: "classic_stick_left_up" is not translated in "ja" (Japanese) [MissingTranslation] Error:(186) Error: "classic_stick_left_down" is not translated in "ja" (Japanese) [MissingTranslation] Error:(187) Error: "classic_stick_left_left" is not translated in "ja" (Japanese) [MissingTranslation] Error:(188) Error: "classic_stick_left_right" is not translated in "ja" (Japanese) [MissingTranslation] Error:(189) Error: "classic_rightstick" is not translated in "ja" (Japanese) [MissingTranslation] Error:(190) Error: "classic_stick_right_up" is not translated in "ja" (Japanese) [MissingTranslation] Error:(191) Error: "classic_stick_right_down" is not translated in "ja" (Japanese) [MissingTranslation] Error:(192) Error: "classic_stick_right_left" is not translated in "ja" (Japanese) [MissingTranslation] Error:(193) Error: "classic_stick_right_right" is not translated in "ja" (Japanese) [MissingTranslation] Error:(196) Error: "guitar_frets" is not translated in "ja" (Japanese) [MissingTranslation] Error:(197) Error: "guitar_fret_green" is not translated in "ja" (Japanese) [MissingTranslation] Error:(198) Error: "guitar_fret_red" is not translated in "ja" (Japanese) [MissingTranslation] Error:(199) Error: "guitar_fret_yellow" is not translated in "ja" (Japanese) [MissingTranslation] Error:(200) Error: "guitar_fret_blue" is not translated in "ja" (Japanese) [MissingTranslation] Error:(201) Error: "guitar_fret_orange" is not translated in "ja" (Japanese) [MissingTranslation] Error:(202) Error: "guitar_strum_up" is not translated in "ja" (Japanese) [MissingTranslation] Error:(203) Error: "guitar_strum_down" is not translated in "ja" (Japanese) [MissingTranslation] Error:(204) Error: "guitar_whammy" is not translated in "ja" (Japanese) [MissingTranslation] Error:(205) Error: "guitar_whammy_bar" is not translated in "ja" (Japanese) [MissingTranslation] Error:(208) Error: "drums_pads" is not translated in "ja" (Japanese) [MissingTranslation] Error:(209) Error: "drums_pad_red" is not translated in "ja" (Japanese) [MissingTranslation] Error:(210) Error: "drums_pad_yellow" is not translated in "ja" (Japanese) [MissingTranslation] Error:(211) Error: "drums_pad_blue" is not translated in "ja" (Japanese) [MissingTranslation] Error:(212) Error: "drums_pad_green" is not translated in "ja" (Japanese) [MissingTranslation] Error:(213) Error: "drums_pad_orange" is not translated in "ja" (Japanese) [MissingTranslation] Error:(214) Error: "drums_pad_bass" is not translated in "ja" (Japanese) [MissingTranslation] Error:(217) Error: "turntable_button_green_left" is not translated in "ja" (Japanese) [MissingTranslation] Error:(218) Error: "turntable_button_red_left" is not translated in "ja" (Japanese) [MissingTranslation] Error:(219) Error: "turntable_button_blue_left" is not translated in "ja" (Japanese) [MissingTranslation] Error:(220) Error: "turntable_button_green_right" is not translated in "ja" (Japanese) [MissingTranslation] Error:(221) Error: "turntable_button_red_right" is not translated in "ja" (Japanese) [MissingTranslation] Error:(222) Error: "turntable_button_blue_right" is not translated in "ja" (Japanese) [MissingTranslation] Error:(223) Error: "turntable_button_euphoria" is not translated in "ja" (Japanese) [MissingTranslation] Error:(224) Error: "turntable_table_left" is not translated in "ja" (Japanese) [MissingTranslation] Error:(225) Error: "turntable_table_left_left" is not translated in "ja" (Japanese) [MissingTranslation] Error:(226) Error: "turntable_table_left_right" is not translated in "ja" (Japanese) [MissingTranslation] Error:(227) Error: "turntable_table_right" is not translated in "ja" (Japanese) [MissingTranslation] Error:(228) Error: "turntable_table_right_left" is not translated in "ja" (Japanese) [MissingTranslation] Error:(229) Error: "turntable_table_right_right" is not translated in "ja" (Japanese) [MissingTranslation] Error:(230) Error: "turntable_effect" is not translated in "ja" (Japanese) [MissingTranslation] Error:(231) Error: "turntable_effect_dial" is not translated in "ja" (Japanese) [MissingTranslation] Error:(232) Error: "turntable_crossfade" is not translated in "ja" (Japanese) [MissingTranslation] Error:(233) Error: "turntable_crossfade_left" is not translated in "ja" (Japanese) [MissingTranslation] Error:(234) Error: "turntable_crossfade_right" is not translated in "ja" (Japanese) [MissingTranslation] Error:(238) Error: "cached_interpreter" is not translated in "ja" (Japanese) [MissingTranslation] Error:(250) Error: "overclock_enable" is not translated in "ja" (Japanese) [MissingTranslation] Error:(251) Error: "overclock_enable_description" is not translated in "ja" (Japanese) [MissingTranslation] Error:(252) Error: "overclock_title" is not translated in "ja" (Japanese) [MissingTranslation] Error:(253) Error: "overclock_warning" is not translated in "ja" (Japanese) [MissingTranslation] Error:(254) Error: "wiimote_scanning" is not translated in "ja" (Japanese) [MissingTranslation] Error:(255) Error: "wiimote_scanning_description" is not translated in "ja" (Japanese) [MissingTranslation] Error:(256) Error: "wiimote_speaker" is not translated in "ja" (Japanese) [MissingTranslation] Error:(257) Error: "wiimote_speaker_description" is not translated in "ja" (Japanese) [MissingTranslation] Error:(287) Error: "stereoscopy" is not translated in "ja" (Japanese) [MissingTranslation] Error:(288) Error: "stereoscopy_descrip" is not translated in "ja" (Japanese) [MissingTranslation] Error:(289) Error: "stereoscopy_mode" is not translated in "ja" (Japanese) [MissingTranslation] Error:(290) Error: "stereoscopy_mode_descrip" is not translated in "ja" (Japanese) [MissingTranslation] Error:(291) Error: "sterescopy_depth" is not translated in "ja" (Japanese) [MissingTranslation] Error:(292) Error: "sterescopy_depth_descrip" is not translated in "ja" (Japanese) [MissingTranslation] Error:(293) Error: "convergence" is not translated in "ja" (Japanese) [MissingTranslation] Error:(294) Error: "convergence_descrip" is not translated in "ja" (Japanese) [MissingTranslation] Error:(295) Error: "swap_eyes" is not translated in "ja" (Japanese) [MissingTranslation] Error:(296) Error: "swap_eyes_descrip" is not translated in "ja" (Japanese) [MissingTranslation] Error:(320) Error: "aspect_ratio" is not translated in "ja" (Japanese) [MissingTranslation] Error:(321) Error: "aspect_ratio_descrip" is not translated in "ja" (Japanese) [MissingTranslation] Error:(331) Error: "title_new_ui" is not translated in "ja" (Japanese) [MissingTranslation] Error:(335) Error: "grid_menu_core_settings" is not translated in "ja" (Japanese) [MissingTranslation] Error:(336) Error: "grid_menu_video_settings" is not translated in "ja" (Japanese) [MissingTranslation] Error:(337) Error: "grid_menu_gcpad_settings" is not translated in "ja" (Japanese) [MissingTranslation] Error:(338) Error: "grid_menu_wiimote_settings" is not translated in "ja" (Japanese) [MissingTranslation] Error:(339) Error: "grid_menu_refresh" is not translated in "ja" (Japanese) [MissingTranslation] Error:(342) Error: "add_directory_title" is not translated in "ja" (Japanese) [MissingTranslation] Error:(343) Error: "add_directory_up_one_level" is not translated in "ja" (Japanese) [MissingTranslation] Error:(344) Error: "add_directory_empty_folder" is not translated in "ja" (Japanese) [MissingTranslation] Error:(347) Error: "preferences_exit_no_save" is not translated in "ja" (Japanese) [MissingTranslation] Error:(348) Error: "preferences_settings" is not translated in "ja" (Japanese) [MissingTranslation] Error:(349) Error: "preferences_cpu" is not translated in "ja" (Japanese) [MissingTranslation] Error:(350) Error: "preferences_input" is not translated in "ja" (Japanese) [MissingTranslation] Error:(351) Error: "preferences_extensions" is not translated in "ja" (Japanese) [MissingTranslation] Error:(352) Error: "preferences_video" is not translated in "ja" (Japanese) [MissingTranslation] Error:(353) Error: "emulation_title" is not translated in "ja" (Japanese) [MissingTranslation] Error:(354) Error: "dialog_seekbar_pos" is not translated in "ja" (Japanese) [MissingTranslation] Error:(355) Error: "dialog_seekbar_neg" is not translated in "ja" (Japanese) [MissingTranslation] Error:(358) Error: "emulation_toggle_input" is not translated in "ja" (Japanese) [MissingTranslation] Error:(359) Error: "emulation_quicksave" is not translated in "ja" (Japanese) [MissingTranslation] Error:(360) Error: "emulation_quickload" is not translated in "ja" (Japanese) [MissingTranslation] Error:(361) Error: "emulation_refresh_wiimotes" is not translated in "ja" (Japanese) [MissingTranslation] Error:(364) Error: "gc_adapter_rumble" is not translated in "ja" (Japanese) [MissingTranslation] Error:(365) Error: "gc_adapter_rumble_description" is not translated in "ja" (Japanese) [MissingTranslation] Error:(366) Error: "gc_adapter_bongos" is not translated in "ja" (Japanese) [MissingTranslation] Error:(367) Error: "gc_adapter_bongos_description" is not translated in "ja" (Japanese) [MissingTranslation] Error:(370) Error: "header_wiimote_general" is not translated in "ja" (Japanese) [MissingTranslation] Error:(371) Error: "header_controllers" is not translated in "ja" (Japanese) [MissingTranslation] Error:(374) Error: "application_id" is not translated in "ja" (Japanese) [MissingTranslation] org.dolphinemu.dolphinemu ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Explanation for issues of type "MissingTranslation": If an application has more than one locale, then all the strings declared in one language should also be translated in all other languages. If the string should not be translated, you can add the attribute translatable="false" on the element, or you can define all your non-translatable strings in a resource file called donottranslate.xml. Or, you can ignore the issue with a tools:ignore="MissingTranslation" attribute. By default this detector allows regions of a language to just provide a subset of the strings and fall back to the standard language strings. You can require all regions to provide a full translation by setting the environment variable ANDROID_LINT_COMPLETE_REGIONS. You can tell lint (and other tools) which language is the default language in your res/values/ folder by specifying tools:locale="languageCode" for the root element in your resource file. (The tools prefix refers to the namespace declaration ????? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ RAM (???????) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ D:\Android\Projects\dolphin-android\Source\Android\app\src\main\res\values-ja\strings.xml Error:(183) Error: "efb_copy_texture" is translated here but not found in default locale [ExtraTranslation] Error:(184) Error: "efb_copy_ram_uncached" is translated here but not found in default locale [ExtraTranslation] Error:(185) Error: "efb_copy_ram_cached" is translated here but not found in default locale [ExtraTranslation] RAM (?????) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Explanation for issues of type "ExtraTranslation": If a string appears in a specific language translation file, but there is no corresponding string in the default locale, then this string is probably unused. (It's technically possible that your application is only intended to run in a specific locale, but it's still a good idea to provide a fallback.). Note that these strings can lead to crashes if the string is looked up on any locale not providing a translation, so it's important to clean them up. 136 errors, 0 warnings :app:transformClassesWithDexForDolphinRelease :app:mergeDolphinReleaseJniLibFolders :app:transformNative_libsWithMergeJniLibsForDolphinRelease :app:processDolphinReleaseJavaRes UP-TO-DATE :app:transformResourcesWithMergeJavaResForDolphinRelease :app:validateSigningDolphinRelease FAILED Error:Execution failed for task ':app:validateSigningDolphinRelease'. > Keystore file not set for signing config release Information:BUILD FAILED Information:Total time: 8 mins 36.682 secs Information:137 errors Information:0 warnings Information:See complete output in console