26/04/2015 11:21:58:474 [03668] | INFO | Initializing Crosire's ReShade version '' built on '2015-04-19 20:13:51' loaded from "D:\Programme\Emulation\Dolphin-x64\dxgi.dll" to "D:\Programme\Emulation\Dolphin-x64\Dolphin.exe" ... 26/04/2015 11:21:58:492 [03668] | INFO | Registering hooks for "C:\Windows\system32\d3d8.dll" ... 26/04/2015 11:21:58:492 [03668] | INFO | > Delayed. 26/04/2015 11:21:58:492 [03668] | INFO | Registering hooks for "C:\Windows\system32\d3d9.dll" ... 26/04/2015 11:21:58:492 [03668] | INFO | > Delayed. 26/04/2015 11:21:58:492 [03668] | INFO | Registering hooks for "C:\Windows\system32\d3d10.dll" ... 26/04/2015 11:21:58:492 [03668] | INFO | > Delayed. 26/04/2015 11:21:58:492 [03668] | INFO | Registering hooks for "C:\Windows\system32\d3d10_1.dll" ... 26/04/2015 11:21:58:492 [03668] | INFO | > Libraries loaded. 26/04/2015 11:21:58:493 [03668] | INFO | > Found 2 match(es). Installing ... 26/04/2015 11:21:58:508 [03668] | INFO | > Installed 2 hook(s). 26/04/2015 11:21:58:508 [03668] | INFO | Registering hooks for "C:\Windows\system32\d3d11.dll" ... 26/04/2015 11:21:58:508 [03668] | INFO | > Libraries loaded. 26/04/2015 11:21:58:508 [03668] | INFO | > Found 2 match(es). Installing ... 26/04/2015 11:21:58:527 [03668] | INFO | > Installed 2 hook(s). 26/04/2015 11:21:58:527 [03668] | INFO | Registering hooks for "C:\Windows\system32\dxgi.dll" ... 26/04/2015 11:21:58:527 [03668] | INFO | > Delayed. 26/04/2015 11:21:58:527 [03668] | INFO | Registering hooks for "C:\Windows\system32\opengl32.dll" ... 26/04/2015 11:21:58:527 [03668] | INFO | > Libraries loaded. 26/04/2015 11:21:58:530 [03668] | INFO | > Found 360 match(es). Installing ... 26/04/2015 11:22:01:553 [03668] | INFO | > Installed 360 hook(s). 26/04/2015 11:22:01:553 [03668] | INFO | Registering hooks for "C:\Windows\system32\user32.dll" ... 26/04/2015 11:22:01:553 [03668] | INFO | > Libraries loaded. 26/04/2015 11:22:01:564 [03668] | INFO | > Found 4 match(es). Installing ... 26/04/2015 11:22:01:595 [03668] | INFO | > Installed 4 hook(s). 26/04/2015 11:22:01:595 [03668] | INFO | Registering hooks for "C:\Windows\system32\ws2_32.dll" ... 26/04/2015 11:22:01:595 [03668] | INFO | > Libraries loaded. 26/04/2015 11:22:01:598 [03668] | INFO | > Found 8 match(es). Installing ... 26/04/2015 11:22:01:664 [03668] | INFO | > Installed 8 hook(s). 26/04/2015 11:22:01:664 [03668] | INFO | Initialized. 26/04/2015 11:22:01:709 [07160] | INFO | Installing delayed hooks for "C:\Windows\system32\dxgi.dll" ... 26/04/2015 11:22:01:710 [07160] | INFO | > Found 3 match(es). Installing ... 26/04/2015 11:22:01:710 [07160] | INFO | > Installed 3 hook(s). 26/04/2015 11:22:06:465 [07160] | INFO | Redirecting 'wglMakeCurrent(0000000072011D0D, 0000000000000000)' ... 26/04/2015 11:22:06:528 [07160] | INFO | Redirecting 'wglDeleteContext(0000000000010000)' ... 26/04/2015 11:22:07:450 [05432] | INFO | Redirecting 'RegisterClassW(000000000013D7A0)' ... 26/04/2015 11:22:07:450 [05432] | INFO | > Adding 'CS_OWNDC' window class style flag to '_wx_SysTabCtl32'. 26/04/2015 11:22:12:090 [03388] | INFO | Redirecting 'wglChoosePixelFormat(FFFFFFFF8B01148B, 000000000F7CFD20)' ... 26/04/2015 11:22:12:134 [03388] | INFO | Redirecting 'wglSetPixelFormat(FFFFFFFF8B01148B, 7, 000000000F7CFD20)' ... 26/04/2015 11:22:12:135 [03388] | INFO | Redirecting 'wglCreateContext(FFFFFFFF8B01148B)' ... 26/04/2015 11:22:12:135 [03388] | INFO | Redirecting 'wglCreateLayerContext(FFFFFFFF8B01148B, 0)' ... 26/04/2015 11:22:12:541 [03388] | INFO | Redirecting 'wglMakeCurrent(FFFFFFFF8B01148B, 0000000000020000)' ... 26/04/2015 11:22:12:732 [03388] | INFO | > Switched to new runtime 000000001E405040. 26/04/2015 11:22:13:523 [03388] | INFO | Resizing runtime 000000001E405040 on device context FFFFFFFF8B01148B to 1920x1080 ... 26/04/2015 11:22:13:529 [03388] | INFO | Recreated effect environment on runtime 000000001E405040. 26/04/2015 11:22:13:589 [03388] | INFO | Loading effect from "D:\Programme\Emulation\Dolphin-x64\ReShade.fx" ... 26/04/2015 11:22:13:840 [03388] | INFO | > Successfully compiled effect. 26/04/2015 11:22:14:790 [03388] | INFO | > Resizing image data for texture 'lensDBTex' from 1024x576 to 1920x1080 ... 26/04/2015 11:22:27:465 [03388] | INFO | Resizing runtime 000000001E405040 on device context FFFFFFFF8B01148B to 1916x1053 ... 26/04/2015 11:22:27:465 [03388] | INFO | Destroyed effect environment on runtime 000000001E405040. 26/04/2015 11:22:27:498 [03388] | INFO | Recreated effect environment on runtime 000000001E405040. 26/04/2015 11:22:28:329 [03388] | INFO | Redirecting 'wglMakeCurrent(FFFFFFFF8B01148B, 0000000000000000)' ... 26/04/2015 11:22:28:329 [03388] | INFO | > Cleaning up runtime 000000001E405040 ... 26/04/2015 11:22:28:394 [03388] | INFO | Redirecting 'wglDeleteContext(0000000000020000)' ... 26/04/2015 11:22:31:201 [05432] | INFO | Redirecting 'CreateDXGIFactory({7B7166EC-21C7-44AE-B21A-C9AE321AE369}, 000000000013CE48)' ... 26/04/2015 11:22:31:201 [05432] | INFO | Redirecting 'D3D11CreateDevice(000000001E791910, 0, 0000000000000000, 0x1, 0000000000DB34A8, 3, 7, 000000000013CC08, 000000000013CC68, 000000000013CC00)' ... 26/04/2015 11:22:31:201 [05432] | INFO | > Passing on to 'D3D11CreateDeviceAndSwapChain': 26/04/2015 11:22:31:201 [05432] | INFO | Redirecting 'D3D11CreateDeviceAndSwapChain(000000001E791910, 0, 0000000000000000, 0x1, 0000000000DB34A8, 3, 7, 0000000000000000, 0000000000000000, 000000000013CC08, 000000000013CC68, 000000000013CC00)' ... 26/04/2015 11:22:31:217 [05432] | WARN | Reference count for 'ID3D11DeviceContext' object 000000001F2CB860 is inconsistent: 1 vs 0. 26/04/2015 11:22:31:217 [05432] | WARN | Reference count for 'IDXGIDevice' object 000000001F732020 is inconsistent: 3 vs 0. 26/04/2015 11:22:31:217 [05432] | INFO | Redirecting 'D3D11CreateDevice(000000001E791910, 0, 0000000000000000, 0x1, 0000000000DB34A8, 3, 7, 0000000000000000, 000000000013CC58, 0000000000000000)' ... 26/04/2015 11:22:31:217 [05432] | INFO | > Passing on to 'D3D11CreateDeviceAndSwapChain': 26/04/2015 11:22:31:217 [05432] | INFO | Redirecting 'D3D11CreateDeviceAndSwapChain(000000001E791910, 0, 0000000000000000, 0x1, 0000000000DB34A8, 3, 7, 0000000000000000, 0000000000000000, 0000000000000000, 000000000013CC58, 0000000000000000)' ... 26/04/2015 11:22:34:645 [05432] | INFO | Redirecting 'CreateDXGIFactory({7B7166EC-21C7-44AE-B21A-C9AE321AE369}, 0000000000139688)' ... 26/04/2015 11:22:34:645 [05432] | INFO | Redirecting 'D3D11CreateDevice(0000000001E85440, 0, 0000000000000000, 0x1, 0000000000DB34A8, 3, 7, 0000000000139448, 00000000001394A8, 0000000000139440)' ... 26/04/2015 11:22:34:645 [05432] | INFO | > Passing on to 'D3D11CreateDeviceAndSwapChain': 26/04/2015 11:22:34:645 [05432] | INFO | Redirecting 'D3D11CreateDeviceAndSwapChain(0000000001E85440, 0, 0000000000000000, 0x1, 0000000000DB34A8, 3, 7, 0000000000000000, 0000000000000000, 0000000000139448, 00000000001394A8, 0000000000139440)' ... 26/04/2015 11:22:34:645 [05432] | WARN | Reference count for 'ID3D11DeviceContext' object 000000001F2CD480 is inconsistent: 1 vs 0. 26/04/2015 11:22:34:645 [05432] | WARN | Reference count for 'IDXGIDevice' object 000000001F740C60 is inconsistent: 3 vs 0. 26/04/2015 11:22:34:660 [05432] | INFO | Redirecting 'D3D11CreateDevice(0000000001E85440, 0, 0000000000000000, 0x1, 0000000000DB34A8, 3, 7, 0000000000000000, 0000000000139498, 0000000000000000)' ... 26/04/2015 11:22:34:660 [05432] | INFO | > Passing on to 'D3D11CreateDeviceAndSwapChain': 26/04/2015 11:22:34:660 [05432] | INFO | Redirecting 'D3D11CreateDeviceAndSwapChain(0000000001E85440, 0, 0000000000000000, 0x1, 0000000000DB34A8, 3, 7, 0000000000000000, 0000000000000000, 0000000000000000, 0000000000139498, 0000000000000000)' ... 26/04/2015 11:22:45:791 [04260] | INFO | Redirecting 'CreateDXGIFactory({7B7166EC-21C7-44AE-B21A-C9AE321AE369}, 000000000CE6FD68)' ... 26/04/2015 11:22:45:792 [04260] | INFO | Redirecting 'D3D11CreateDevice(000000001E9A31C0, 0, 0000000000000000, 0x1, 0000000000DB34A8, 3, 7, 000000000CE6FB28, 000000000CE6FB88, 000000000CE6FB20)' ... 26/04/2015 11:22:45:792 [04260] | INFO | > Passing on to 'D3D11CreateDeviceAndSwapChain': 26/04/2015 11:22:45:792 [04260] | INFO | Redirecting 'D3D11CreateDeviceAndSwapChain(000000001E9A31C0, 0, 0000000000000000, 0x1, 0000000000DB34A8, 3, 7, 0000000000000000, 0000000000000000, 000000000CE6FB28, 000000000CE6FB88, 000000000CE6FB20)' ... 26/04/2015 11:22:45:805 [04260] | WARN | Reference count for 'ID3D11DeviceContext' object 0000000042880E20 is inconsistent: 1 vs 0. 26/04/2015 11:22:45:806 [04260] | WARN | Reference count for 'IDXGIDevice' object 000000001F2A0840 is inconsistent: 3 vs 0. 26/04/2015 11:22:45:810 [04260] | INFO | Redirecting 'D3D11CreateDevice(000000001E9A31C0, 0, 0000000000000000, 0x1, 0000000000DB34A8, 3, 7, 0000000000000000, 000000000CE6FB78, 0000000000000000)' ... 26/04/2015 11:22:45:810 [04260] | INFO | > Passing on to 'D3D11CreateDeviceAndSwapChain': 26/04/2015 11:22:45:811 [04260] | INFO | Redirecting 'D3D11CreateDeviceAndSwapChain(000000001E9A31C0, 0, 0000000000000000, 0x1, 0000000000DB34A8, 3, 7, 0000000000000000, 0000000000000000, 0000000000000000, 000000000CE6FB78, 0000000000000000)' ... 26/04/2015 11:22:46:219 [04260] | INFO | Redirecting 'CreateDXGIFactory({7B7166EC-21C7-44AE-B21A-C9AE321AE369}, 000000000CE6FCE8)' ... 26/04/2015 11:22:46:220 [04260] | INFO | Redirecting 'D3D11CreateDevice(000000001F5EEBB0, 0, 0000000000000000, 0x1, 0000000000DB34A8, 3, 7, 000000000CE6FAF8, 000000000CE6FB58, 000000000CE6FAF0)' ... 26/04/2015 11:22:46:220 [04260] | INFO | > Passing on to 'D3D11CreateDeviceAndSwapChain': 26/04/2015 11:22:46:220 [04260] | INFO | Redirecting 'D3D11CreateDeviceAndSwapChain(000000001F5EEBB0, 0, 0000000000000000, 0x1, 0000000000DB34A8, 3, 7, 0000000000000000, 0000000000000000, 000000000CE6FAF8, 000000000CE6FB58, 000000000CE6FAF0)' ... 26/04/2015 11:22:46:229 [04260] | WARN | Reference count for 'ID3D11DeviceContext' object 000000001F6B2260 is inconsistent: 1 vs 0. 26/04/2015 11:22:46:229 [04260] | WARN | Reference count for 'IDXGIDevice' object 0000000042A8D540 is inconsistent: 3 vs 0. 26/04/2015 11:22:46:236 [04260] | INFO | Redirecting 'D3D11CreateDeviceAndSwapChain(000000001F5EEBB0, 0, 0000000000000000, 0x1, 0000000000DB34A8, 3, 7, 000000000CE6FBE0, 00000000018C76F8, 00000000018C76A0, 00000000018C7700, 00000000018C76A8)' ... 26/04/2015 11:22:46:245 [04260] | INFO | Redirecting 'CreateDXGIFactory1({770AAE78-F26F-4DBA-A829-253C83D1B387}, 000000000CE6FAE0)' ... 26/04/2015 11:22:46:250 [04260] | INFO | Redirecting 'D3D11CreateDevice(00000000117BDB10, 0, 0000000000000000, 0x81, 000000000CE6E760, 1, 7, 000000000CE6E770, 0000000000000000, 0000000000000000)' ... 26/04/2015 11:22:46:250 [04260] | INFO | > Passing on to 'D3D11CreateDeviceAndSwapChain': 26/04/2015 11:22:46:250 [04260] | INFO | Redirecting 'D3D11CreateDeviceAndSwapChain(00000000117BDB10, 0, 0000000000000000, 0x81, 000000000CE6E760, 1, 7, 0000000000000000, 0000000000000000, 000000000CE6E770, 0000000000000000, 0000000000000000)' ...