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Full Version: Curves ad banner trying to inject malware?
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An ad banner for curves is likely trying to inject malware into the PC of people browsing this site. Every time I reload the page and this curves ad loads, it keeps trying to get me to run a PDF file via Adobe that is likely infected.

I just wanted to inform the Dolphin crew of this and advise others not to run the PDF if possible. The PDF keeps trying to load automatically when the curves ad loads, but since I just installed Adobe PDF Reader and haven't agreed to the ToS, I am able to decline and prevent the PDF from loading.
Wouldn't surprise me at all, after all it hasn't been long since some nasty design vulnerabilities were discovered in the PDF format.

For now and other users around, get an AdBlock, or disable the Acrobat Reader extension, this way you're asked to download the file instead, making you able to cancel it.
Tha half of the ad banners in the page are region selected, so the infected pdf banner will appear mostly in Xtreme2damax country
It seems there may be other ads as well which try to run a PDF file when the page loads, either that or it's something in the templates or php files on this forum that triggers it.

I am saying this because today I was asked to run a PDF file again when loading a page on this forum, except it wasn't the same ad as yesterday. So maybe something in the templates or php files unless there is multiple ads attempting to inject malware via a PDF file.
Never happened to me :o.
same here, and im now using a computer that has horrible protection and no ad blocker....

i think op's computer is injected lol
No it isn't, my computer is clean as a whistle and scans turned up nothing. Also my PC shows no signs of infection, haven't visited any shady websites or downloaded any questionable software.

It only happens with certain ads, once the ad loads it tries to load a PDF file. I of course haven't accepted Adobe's TOS yet so when the PDF tries to run and Adobe's TOS pops of asking me to accept and run the PDF, I click decline.

Where are you guys located? The malware injected ads could be region or location specific, so everyone might not be getting the same thing as me.
The ads I get here are for swimming with dolphins in Mexico and Los Angeles Film school. (all google ads)
haven't seen anything shady since that whole dolphin shop thing.

Though I do occasionally see mod chip ads and unlocking ads.
Quite seldom if ever do i pay attention to the adds. I live in the U.S.
I haven't been struck by malware since the conficker worm virus back in 09. (sarcasm)