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This guide will describe in steps how to use your wiimote as gamecube controller.

Peograms, you will need: (google it, all is freeware)
- PPJoy
- GlovePie

1. Creating Virtual Gamecube controller

First we will need to create virtual gamecube controller to link it with our wiimote and use it for programs.

1. Install PPJoy

2. Go to Control Panel and open Parallel port joysticks.

3. PPJoy window should open. Click "Add..." Button

4. Now we are going to create controller. Enter settings according to image
[Image: 0.png]
Pay attention to controller number if you want to use more controllers. At each new controller increase it.

5. Confirm with "Add" Button. Windows should start installing drivers now. If it wizard will ask it for drivers, point it to "C:\Program Files\PPJoy Joystick Driver". Wait until drivers are finished installing.

6. Now we are going to set up our controller properties. Click on your newly created controller in main PPJoy window and click "Maping..."

7. In new window select "Set a custom mapping for this controller" and click "Next >"
[Image: 2.png]

8. GameCube controller have 4 axes (horizontal and vertical axis for each of analog pad), 12 buttons (including D-pad) and 1 POV hat which represent D-Pad. Set up options acoording to the image and click "Next >".
[Image: 3.png]

9. Axes on our virtual controller are called AnalogX (X = number). These names will be important at assigning wiimote to that controller, so remember them. Set options according to the image and click "Next >".
[Image: 4.png]

10. This screen is similar to previous except we are setting buttons named "DigitalX", not axes. Set options according to the image and click "Next >".
[Image: 5.png]

11. Here set up buttons, which will be used as D-pad. I have Digital 0-3, but it dont matter which ones you use. Set these, Click "Next >" and confirm settings.
"[Image: 6.png]

12. Our controller is now created. If you wish, you can open game controller settings in control panel and check it. Nothing moves yet, but you can check if you done it right. NOTE: for some reason windows displays only 1 analog pad instead of 2. It's a bug in PPJoy driver, maybe it will be resolved in future versions.

2. Assigning WiiMote to our new controller

So we have virtual GameCube controller. But now it's just dummy piece of virtual plastic. We need to assign wiimote to that controller to make it work. We will use app called GlovePie.

In this guide we will use scripting. Maybe lots of you see scripting as hard, but GlovePie have very simple scripting.

Assigning Button
Assigning virtual remote button to Wiimote in GlovePie is very simple. For example type this in GlovePie window (without quotes): "PPJoy1.Digital0 = Wiimote1.A"

Above snippet means that when you press A button on wiimote 1, it will press Digital0 Button on Virtual Controller 1. To add more assignments, just copy example code to a new line and change parameters.

Buttons 1, 2, -, + and wiimote are defined as words and not as actual characters (you need to type Wiimote1.two instead of Wiimote1.2)

TIP: If you are running out of buttons on wiimote, you can assign gestures like shake ("PPJoy1.Digital0 = Wiimote1.Shake"). You can get full list of gestures in documentation.rtf file, which is included with GlovePie.

You can also assign wiimote buttons to keyboard, to maximize compatibility with other programs. Folowing code will bind Wiimote 1 button A to keyboard key A: "Keyboard.A = Wiimote1.A"
Assigning Analog Sticks
Assigning analog sticks is same as assigning buttons, with minor change. Because wiimote dont have any analog sticks, you can either use nunchuck one (Nunchuck1.StickY, Nunchuck1.StickY) or use motion gestures like pitch or roll. Folowing code would assign horizontal axis of analog stick to wiimote's pitch: "PPJoy1.Analog0 = Wiimote1.Pitch".

TIP: Above code can result in large jitter of analog stick. You can reduce it by dividing pitch output: "PPJoy1.Analog0 = Wiimote1.Pitch / 2". Remember, increasing value divided by will lower jitter and sensitivity.

Here if example of code with 1 analog stick and 2 buttons assigned:
[Image: 7.png]

After you are finished with scripting, save your script and click play button. If everything went correctly, your controller should be working now. Go to control panel --> game controllers and test it out. If its working, just assign it to Dolphin like regular controller. If is not, post comment and we will try to fix it

Happy Wiimote Gamecubing Smile
And a link for Wiimote on PC :
That app may be simpler to use, but GlovePie is much more advanced with nunchuck pitch/roll, motion plus support etc.
Uhm,can you make "wiimote mouse for window" with windows 7 x64 support,I have fail and only make it run on XP.It really cool if your pc being controlled by a wii remote
I've been using it on XP because there is no working stack on 7 for me. But it should work.
Hate to bring up an old thread, but I can't get the nunchuk to work with ppjoy and glovepie. All the buttons on the wiimote work, doing as you have shown.
Here is my script for glovepie

PPJoy1.Analog0 = (Wiimote1.Nunchuk.JoyX*1)
PPJoy1.Analog1 = (Wiimote1.Nunchuk.JoyY*1)
PPJoy1.Analog2 = (Wiimote1.Nunchuk.JoyX*1)
PPJoy1.Analog3 = (Wiimote1.Nunchuk.JoyY*1)

PPJoy1.Digital0 = Wiimote1.Up
PPJoy1.Digital1 = Wiimote1.Right
PPJoy1.Digital2 = Wiimote1.Left
PPJoy1.Digital3 = Wiimote1.Down

PPJoy1.Digital4 = Wiimote1.A
PPJoy1.Digital5 = Wiimote1.B

PPJoy1.Digital6 = Wiimote1.Minus
PPJoy1.Digital7 = Wiimote1.Home
PPJoy1.Digital8 = Wiimote1.Plus
PPJoy1.Digital9 = Wiimote1.One
PPJoy1.Digital10 = Wiimote1.Two

PPJoy1.Digital11 = Wiimote1.Nunchuk.CButton
PPJoy1.Digital12 = Wiimote1.Nunchuk.ZButton


SIR! Pics r not display Sad plz fix them. thank u