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I wonder what checksum algorithm Dolphin uses for Safe Texture Caching. Is it CRC32 as I read somewhere or is it another one? I'm aslo wondering how much data that's used for calculating the checksum, because I'm interested in finding a faster algorithm if it's possible. I someone know this, I would be glad if you posted an answer! My suggestion (if the algorithm is CRC32) is to use Adler-32, if it's sufficiently reliable.
I think it's MurmurHash 2.0.
Check rodolfoosvaldobogado lastest commits
Hm... It look like MurmurHash 2.0 is quite good. I don't know how it compare to any other hash-functions other than those listed on [url=][/url] website. Does anyone know how MurmurHash 2.0 compares to CRC32 and Adler-32? (I'm quite sure it's better, but it's always good to see how they compare)