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bosse almighty

I use a real Wiimote, everything works fine for me, expect my aim. When i shoot with the slingshot, boomerang, or even the bird-thingy i does not go to where i point. Instead it goes like to the right and a bit up ect. (sometimes it is left (it is random)) If i switch to no cursor I still have the same problem. Does anyone have a solution for this problem? Smile
Is widescreen enabled in Wii options?
I use a Real Wiimote and widescreen and it seems to work fine (only used the eagle throw so far, though).
I do, however, alter the IR Pointer for Height down to the middle in my settings.
Build 5006 here
I noticed the opposite problem..

If you get mouse cursor to work as pointer, it is totally off when aiming boomerang, bird, etc.. If you point at a target it goes like 3 meters to the left or below etc..

But with real Wiimote it goes just where it should. Be sure that your sensor bar is configured in settings to be where it really is. (Below screen =bottom, etc)

bosse almighty

All the settings for the wiimote itself seems to be working. It is only the aim. To pointer is at the correct place, but hit a different one. The same goes if i turn the pointer off and aim with the nunchuk

Edit: i've just tested it with the openGL graphics plugin. Whit it, it works perfekt, but the fps is slow and the game do not look as good. Any solutions to how to get a "perfect aim" using Direct3D9 plugin? Smile

2rd edit: It works now with Direct3D9, I have no idea why, I just Changed the graphics to opengl then ran the game, tested. And then I ran it with Direct3D9...
i got the problem when i need to aim at the cat with the eagle to fly at her, the aim hud is acting weird like its shacking or something and i cant really aim at the cat because the pointer always goes down to the middle without me using the mouse to do it myself.

shortversion: i want to aim at something and the pointer is always going back to the middle of the screen of its own and that is fucked up!

i tested different configuration methods but it always remains the same..-.-

i dont have a wiimote and dont wanna buy one either, i just wanna play with my keyboard and mouse.
Disable widescreen hack, enable CPU EFB access.
already enabled ^^

maybe you find something relevant to my problem:

GCMPathes = 1
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CPUCore = 1
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SIDevice1 = 8
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EFBCopyDisableHotKey = False
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hmm no help the last 2 days, so here my PUSH!!
does nobody know the issue here?
i want to play twilight princess but i can't fix this on my own..

please help me out with this!
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