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I'm just wondering if there was any further work done on linking the GC-GBA games through Dolphin. I'm aware there was some early experimentation done on that. Perhaps a modified version of VBA could be used for this purpose, or perhaps on the few games that support it, wirelessly through the GBA's wireless adaptor.

Also, there are some games that can connect Wii games to DS games as well, which would fall under a similar category. Has any progress been made on this yet? I'm not knowledgeable about DS emulators connecting to each other, but I'm sure it is possible, and probably the same idea can be used for Dolphin as for GC-GBA.
Well...Dolphin have an option to connect a GBA into a port,but it's useless!!!

If Dolphin have support to GBA-DS emulators,maybe this option will be useful!

(Sorry by the english if it's broken)
I think best thing to do here is make wifi emulation and make it work on normal wifi network so you can connect real DS.
That is certainly a possibility I would embrace. :-)