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Full Version: Nunchuck issues.
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I am using a gamepad, i have the nunchuck set to an analog stick of that gamepad, but i can only move the stick up, down and to the sides, now a game is asking me to move it forward, how can i do that?

EDIT: nvm found how (upright position in config)

But I still have 2 issues with the emulated wii-thing, first is if I try to bind nunchuck or wiimote into keyboard it wont work at all, second is if i dont bind the nunchuck to Analog stick 1 the shake button wont work. I'll need a way to bind nunchuck shake and "to 180-forward and back to position"* ( with 180 i mean the strengh or whatever that number means set to 180 in wiimote config) to pad buttons without having to bind it to an analog to be able to play flawless.
I'm using Logitech RumblePad 2.

P.S: Anyone knows a gamepad with 3 analogs?