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Full Version: Read Error When I Mouse Click Anywhere Outside of Dolphin
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As the title suggests, I get an error when I click anywhere outside of Dolphin. Dolphin yells at me and says "invalid read from 0xdbb266c0, PC = 0x8071aac4". It only seems to happen when I have Chrome open. This happens in both the stable version and development builds of Dolphin.
That's unusual, but I suppose you could try disabling the dual core setting.
Disabling dual core did solve the problem. However, I should add that this started 2 days ago. I've been using dual core for over two weeks. This just kind of seemed to start out of nowhere. It also occurs when I have OBS open. When OBS is open, I get the error as soon as the title screen appears. However, all of these issues seem to be specific to one game. And I've ran OBS and Chrome with Dolphin (same game) before without any issues. Something has happened within the past few days. Would you happen to know what that code means?
It basically just means the game accessed invalid memory. That can happen for many different reasons, but if it stops happening when you disable dual core, the problem has something to do with the timings of your PC. Since running other programs in the background can affect how fast things run on your PC, I suppose it makes some sense that having OBS open could affect it. Disabling dual core makes it so the timings of your PC can't cause any errors in the emulated software.
Ok. I have an update on the situation. I've been messing around with some of the other settings because I really need the performance boost from dual core. (I have a mismatched build.) I turned off "use panic handlers" and turned on "pause on focus loss". That seemed to fix the issue. On Direct3dD 12, the games would freeze after giving the error. On Vulkan, the game would keep running after displaying the error but would have weird graphical errors. However, with the settings changed, games run fine on both backends. The actual issue it was trying to warn me about doesn't appear to any noticeable effect on performance.

I'm guessing that the issue was always present but I must have turned on "use panic handlers" a few days ago.