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Full Version: Any way to avoid "GFX FIFO: Unkown Opcode" without disabling dual core?
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The error reads:

"GFX FIFO: Unknown Opcode (Ox 7f @ 0x18bd4ae14c8, preprocess=false). This means one of the following:
* The emulated GPU got desynced, disabling dual core can help
* Command stream corrupted by some spurious memory bug
* This really is an unknown opcode (unlikely)
* Some other sort of bug
Further errors will be sent to the Video Backend log and Dolphin will now likely crash or hang. Enjoy."

So disabling dual core DOES work to avoid this error, but I'm trying to play Rogue Squadron 3 which is a very demanding game, and without dual core the performance suffers. Is there any way to avoid this error without disabling dual core?
It depends on the game. In the case of Rogue Squadron 3: No, you really do need to disable dual core.