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Full Version: Problem with 4 COntroller Ports Gamecube Adapter
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Hi there,
I have a 3 in Controller Adapter for the PC, the Switch and the WiiU.
Strange thing is that in the COntroller options from Win10 I can see the GC COntroller and it lets me push the correspodening buttons. Here everything works.

When I try the same thing in Dolphin I cannot get it to work. Does someone know a solution to this problem?
Does the adapter have a PC/Console switch on it?
Yes and it is set to PC
That seems not to work either. I have just the Standard COntroller option and here nothing works.
I just get a Exclamation mark in the Device MAnager and the device cannot start error.
Zadig does not schow anything in its settings. I tried different USB Ports.
When I select Show all devices in Zadig I can see the "Gamecube for Switch" device. When I try to Install the driver it says "The driver installation failed". The USUB ID is the correct one which is stated in the Zadig Guide.
Tried a restart of the whole system now and it works ... finally.

Thanks for the help Smile