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Full Version: Graphics and speed problem on 4755 REV.
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I tried playing SSBM with 4755 REV with DirectD3D (Because I cant use OpenGL) plugin but the game was very, vey slow.
In the Press start screen it was around 28 FPS O.o In 4499 it was around 38-56 FPS. In the menu it was: 17 FPS. In older REVs it was around: 58 FPS constantly.
But when I entered Ingame. It was around: 2.7-3.1 FPS O.o. Also many graphics bugs
In older REVs I played: 17-30 FPS-VPS: 30-58.

So. What happened it is a bug? There is someway I can fix this?
I tried with 4760, 4749, 4710, 4698, etc.

I leave you some screenshots:
[attachment=2055] Here the FPS are slow but the VPS are high, so the game is faster. O_O
your computer isnt good enough to run games at full speed, and it looks like youre using 256 color mode which would explain the graphics.
Mm....Actually No.
I discovered that the screenshots looks like 256 color mode because in my screenshot taker I have to choose to save it in: 32 bit, 16 bit, 8 bit, 4 bit quality.
I selected 4 bit because if I set to 32 bit the save takes 1,50 MB.
And if I set to 4 bit it takes 300-450 kb to upload it here.
There is something I can do?
At least to make it playable....
u dont really need a screen shot taker. to take a screen shot and save it in full color, press the print screen button on your keyboard, then open paint and press ctrl+v. it will then paste a copy of your screenshot. so maybe take some new shots so i can properly assess what graphics bugs u are referring to? as far as the speed, older revisions are said to be faster but i havent tested myself, but there is a thread that may help u called "how to really increase fps in dolphin". check it out, im sure there is something in there that will help u.
Ok. I will try, thanks.
Mm....I have tried r4770 and the games are faster with the Watchdog patch. VPS: around: 30
But the missing textures is still in there....
Like: the characters and scenary not showing.
Well....Maybe is an issue with my graphics card or maybe I have to wait.
I think hardware is causing you problem.