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Full Version: LIBUSB_ERROR_ACCESS on Linux when attempting to use Bluetooth passthrough
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I have a USB Bluetooth dongle connected on my computer running Manjaro Linux. This dongle has worked on a Windows machine previously with Dolphin's Bluetooth passthrough functionality.

When trying to use the same functionality on Manjaro Linux, I get the error "LIBUSB_ERROR_ACCESS".

This is the udevadvm test result for the device without the proper udev rule in place:

Then, after adding the udev rule SUBSYSTEM=="usb", ATTRS{idVendor}=="0a12", ATTRS{idProduct}=="0001", TAG+="uaccess", I get this:

This shows that the udev rule is in effect.

I have tried both with modprobe -r btusb and without it, results are the same.

I already checked this thread and did everything the user said he did that fixed it for him, but I still can't get it working. Any suggestions would be appreciated.