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Full Version: Megaman Anniversary collection (8 to be more exact)
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[color=#000000]This post is not exactly about the emulator itself but a very specific game, MegaMan anniversary collection (I'm not sure if this is the correct place to post this, in any case I will copy it, since it will be long). As you may know, this game is a collection of the classic MegaMan from 1 to 8 plus a couple of Arcade games. Now, 1-7 run just fine (Minor slowdowns in certain parts, like the lightning at the beginning of Cossack's lab map intro), but in 8 problems start. Most of the game runs just fine, but in specific momments, the game slows down. Such parts is when lights or darkness take place in screen, like in the intro and at the beginning of the Weapon get sequence. Some parts at the battles against Grenade Man and Astro Man go slow too. The stage select is slow the whole time and so is the first phase of Wily's fortress, except when paused. It goes slow all the time and it even crashes. What should I do? Is there an option for 2D games that should help with that? At first it was not a big problem, but then it became one. I need help with this. Thanks to everyone who takes the time to read this. I wait for a response.[/color]