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Full Version: Need a way to have specific Wii controls hold down longer than others
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I need a specific keypress on emulated Wii remote to run after another key. Im using the nunchuck for Mario Kart Wii (wheel glitches, so I can't use that), and I'm trying to recreate the function of pressing dpad up or down on wheel. I have it so when a press one key, it aims up, and uses the item, but the item keeps getting used before aiming, so the default direction gets used. I tried adjusting range, that helped for tripple items that run instantly, but other items that allow me to hold the button down seem to release direction first, making the item go the default direction. It would help if I could make the nunchuck direction stay pressed for 1 extra frame. Thanks.
It's not currently possible to configure such logic within Dolphin.

But there are some in progress enhancements to the expression parser that will make it possible.

This is the code if you want to take a look and/or compile/test it.

It will get completed and merged into Dolphin eventually.