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My friend and I are trying to play SSMB melee together. We both have great computers, that is not the problem. We connected to the same server together, everything looked fine. How do we actually play together? If I pull up and instance alone, he can't see it or do anything. If we pull up an instance on each computer, we do not end up in the same lobby, but a lobby on two different instances. How do we actually get into a game together? Please and thank you to anyone who helps!
Not quite sure what you mean by "We connected to the same server together", but I'll try to go through the steps.

One player uses the Host tab to select a game and then press the Host button. Once you've done that, a window will pop up where you can see (among other things) a room ID. The other player has to enter that room ID as the host code in the Connect tab. Once that is done, the host can press the Start button in the host window.