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I was wondering how to fix the disk swap error in lord of the rings. There was no lag, but i don,t see this file disk swap thing mentioned on theb wiki. donno if it matters, but on ubuntu 16.04
What do you mean by "the disk swap error"?
its a two disk game, at the end of the level after the ballrog fight, there is a cut scene you cannot save after where it tells you to put in disk 2. i hit the stop emulation button and clicked/ "put in" disk 2 and it loaded, and let me load my file but immediately said put in disk 1 after loading. hence the "error" is i cannot swap disks succesfully, and what was on the wiki made no scence
You shouldn't stop emulation between the swaps. Boot disc 1, do your fight, when the game ask for the disc 2, do not stop the emulation, go to File => Change disc and locate the ISO of the disc 2 instead...
This "file" option i didn't know where it was until today. appearntly you can't get to it unless its on the main window not the one with the game, so i got it to work, and didn't even know a swap game option exthisted. so thanks the game works now