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Full Version: User Style Thread
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A thread to collect custom user styles.

Custom user styles are css files that can change the appearance of Dolphin to the users liking.

They can be installed into YOUR_DOLPHIN_CONFIG_DIR/User/Styles and activated in Dolphin via Config -> Interface -> Use Custom User Style.

Note: This is Qt only and will not work with Wx (DolphinWx.exe).

Dark Styles


If you want your style added / removed from here, feel free to create a post about it!
Are there any images to view so that users can see how they look before trying?
(05-09-2018, 04:31 AM)ExtremeDude2 Wrote: [ -> ]Are there any images to view so that users can see how they look before trying?

Added some screenshots.
AniLeo, please bless us with the YoRHa theme
It's possible to get QDarkStyleSheet working with Dolphin with all its icons.

This is what I do to get it working:

  1. Download the zip file from master
  2. Drag and drop style.qss from QDarkStyleSheet-master\qdarkstyle to Dolphin's Styles folder and rename it to QDarkStyleSheet.qss
  3. Drag and drop the rc folder to where Dolphin's exe is at and rename it to QDarkStyleSheet
  4. Go into QDarkStyleSheet.qss and replace :/qss_icons/rc with QDarkStyleSheet

If done correctly, Dolphin should look like this:
If it looks like this, then you did something wrong:
[Image: AWmXVoE.png]
If you use spoiler ([spoiler][/ spoiler]) tags you can hid the pictures easily.
where i can get that YoRHa by Ani for dolphin that i saw on progress report?


I took the liberty of creating a gitlab group to hold these styles, and where we can maintain them for compatibility with Dolphin. Check it out here.
(05-09-2018, 02:55 AM)spycrab Wrote: [ -> ]A thread to collect custom user styles.

Custom user styles are css files that can change the appearance of Dolphin to the users liking.

They can be installed into YOUR_DOLPHIN_CONFIG_DIR/User/Styles and activated in Dolphin via Config -> Interface -> Use Custom User Style.

Note: This is Qt only and will not work with Wx (DolphinWx.exe).

Dark Styles


If you want your style added / removed from here, feel free to create a post about it!

That's a cool option ! I always dream of dark theme for dolphin. Thank you so much for your work on Qt for dolphin  Heart
Thank you for adding the custom skinning ;-)
I have downloaded the Flat Dark and Light package.
As I am no programmer, I decided to edit one to suit my own taste.
I hope that's ok?

Here is my BlueLine v1 Theme for Dolphin:
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