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Full Version: NAND image instead of NAND directory.
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Hi guys and girls,

First of all: Sorry if this is in the wrong sub-forum.

I was reading the update notes of PR #6651 and read about being able to start using a NAND image instead of an extracted folder for your Wii NAND.
While I absolutely support this decision, because then the limit of 512MB NAND space the user has can actually be enforced, I am a bit curious what will happen with Wii Saves.
I feel like this functionality might get lost because as it is now I can just open up the folder where the saves are kept, but with an NAND Image file that might become a lot harder, so we might have to either use the Wii Menu options to do data transfers (from SD card to NAND and back) or there will have to be a new Wii Save game injection function or Wii Save game manager in Dolphin to accomplish the same. (I might also be missing something obvious like, I don't know, keep Wii saves still in the old way and allow the NAND to be an image file?)

Yours truly