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i read that is possible to install the "WiiMenu" in Dolphin. But I dont know how.
Where can I download the WiiMenu and how?
In the Menu of Dolphin "Tools" I cant find the entry WiiMenü....

What settings are best? Because some Games are very slow.
Can you play "WiiWare" on the Dolphin? I cant. Why?
I only have a blackscreen.

(Sry, for my "bad" english. Its not my Mother tongue. ^^)
How do you obtained the WiiWare games ? s:/ ?
Only disc channel is supported, so to play wiiware/VC games they must be converted to wad (I'm not sure how this is done)
I did it with the homebrew channel ( but it didn't run xD ) , I used the WAD packer ( it requires a unencrypted nand dump to obtain the files to make the wad )
The homebrew channel don't work. Work Gecko and wii paint (I don't know why wii paint you can't move the hand :S )!!And more .wads of nand (example: zelda alttp vc).
About the thread, you can't download the wii menu (nand), that's piracy. You can dump the NAND of u nintendo wii with a SD card.