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Full Version: Will you folks ever add controller configuration presets?
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I know there are people on here that post awesome button configurations for using DS4 with Mario Galaxy and such. I was wondering if there was any thought into adding preset configs for the more commonly used controllers into Dolphin? Or even a away to import and export configs so people could share them. 
Don't think so. But you can already save/load profiles.
Yeah what Leo said. I just save profiles for specific games. MGS for example uses a custom profile because of the way the layout is being used.
Not if I have a say in it.

Controller presets don't make sense when we're aiming to create an emulator for the general public.

I've seen strange bindings even on DS3 / 360 controllers. I use bindings which some people consider non-standard.

It's not up to us to ship what we feel is standard when configuring it to your taste takes 2 minutes. And we support multiple profiles so if you need different ones for games, just make a new profile.
Thanks for the feedback! Smile