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Full Version: New to Dolphin, weird FPS problem in Wind Waker
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Here is my current setup for general graphics, the per-game config, and AR codes in use.

When I start Wind Waker and load my current save state (problem persists if I use in-game save slot and proceed to same area [forsaken fortress]) I run the game at about 22-28 fps. However, once I open up the graphics config, the game immediately plays perfectly, at 30 fps without any hitches or dips. This performance persists until restart the game/emulation. This happens without fail, and I cannot seem to figure out why.

While an easily fixed issue, it is a minor annoyance I would like to do away with if that is possible. Thank you in advance for any help offered.
Dolphin has a database of settings for each individual game. These are applied automatically when you start a game, but because of limitations in Dolphin's current configuration system, they will be reset without warning once you open the settings window while the game is playing. The settings for Wind Waker include turning off "Skip EFB Access from CPU" and "Store EFB Copies to Texture Only". Basically, opening the settings window gives you settings that are faster but will cause problems in for instance the Pictobox sidequest. The wiki page for this game probably has more details about what the settings are used for.
(07-17-2016, 06:21 PM)JosJuice Wrote: [ -> ]Dolphin has a database of settings for each individual game. These are applied automatically when you start a game, but because of limitations in Dolphin's current configuration system, they will be reset without warning once you open the settings window while the game is playing. The settings for Wind Waker include turning off "Skip EFB Access from CPU" and "Store EFB Copies to Texture Only". Basically, opening the settings window gives you settings that are faster but will cause problems in for instance the Pictobox sidequest. The wiki page for this game probably has more details about what the settings are used for.

So how would I edit the game config to make it match my default settings? Based on what you said I added this
EFBAccessEnable = False
EFBToTextureEnable = True

And while this has definitely helped, it's still not on the same level as when I open the graphics config. I suspect there's something I'm missing, or misusing, but I don't know what it is. And I couldn't find anything on Dolphin's wiki page for Wind Waker on config changes.

EDIT: Fiddling around I discovered the 'show defaults' option in the game's properties, which showed me exactly which settings were being set by default. Changing these to match my general settings seems to have worked very well, as I only get 1 frame dropped during 'intense' moments. Which I don't find concerning at all.

Thank you again for your help
Any settings that are needed to fix issues are already applied. Just don't open the Graphics menu after you start a game.

Edit: after re-reading your thread, I think I have understood what you want. Are you trying to change the GameINI settings so that EFB access and EFB to RAM are not forced? Well, nobody is going to prevent you from shooting yourself in the foot, but you can find the GameINI for The Wind Waker here.