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Sorry this is not 100% on-topic but this is probably the likeliest group of people that could help me on this.
I have a .gci savefile from the Gamecube game, Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time / Master Quest (bonus disc).
Does anyone know how I can extract the native Nintendo 64 save data from the Ocarina of Time game so that I can continue the game on a N64 emulator?
I have opened the file with a hex editor but, lacking any direction, I can't make heads or tails out of the data.

Thanks in advance.
Odds are the save is not the same format as it was on N64, which would make it 100% impossible. But if you want to give it a shot, open both saves (the memorycard and an empty N64 OoT save) in the hex editor, and CTRL + F to find the OoT save on the memorycard, and see if the length and structure will fit into the N64 save.

If it doesn't work, use cheat codes or something.
My first thought was that the format would not be compatible but after learning that Virtual Console N64 games actually contain the original save format within the VC save, that gave me hope.

There is a guy on another forum that says he got a save from the GC game, Zelda: Collector's Edition to work on the Wii by working with the data in a hex editor so that's another indication that it could possibly be done. I've contacted that person to see if he/she has any ideas.

I know this is a lot of effort for little in return but it's kind of fun getting things to work.
I got this to work.

Guided by what someone else had done for the other GCN Zelda OOT port (Collector's Edition), I identified a Gamecube specific header that was repeated twice in the file so I deleted it.
I then found out that the save data was byte-swapped compared to the Mupen64 PC .sra save file so I swapped the latter and that helped me identify a few key values that mark the beginning of the actual save data.
After this, it was just a matter making sure my file size and starting charcters on the converted Gamecube file were the same as the Mupen savefile.
I then byte-swapped the file and tried it on Mupen 64 PC and was pleasantly surprise to see my name on the savefile selection screen.

However, I was thrown a last curve at the end because when I frist tried the savefile on Wii64, it did not work. So, I byte-swapped the file again to return it to its original state and that did work. Strangely, Wii64's .sra files are byte-swapped compared to Mupen64's.

Anyway, mission accomplished.
If anyone ever need details about this, just PM me.

Congratz, I had my doubts
(10-12-2009, 06:45 AM)KHRZ Wrote: [ -> ]Congratz, I had my doubts

Thank you for your replies.