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Hi guys,

would it be somehow possible to change ingame LOD?
I would love to games look as good as possible ALL the time. Because sometimes from far range the models and textures looks really bad.

Any advice much appreciated.
Well, it's not that simple, we are emulating a console, not running a PC game, so we can't simply fiddle with a LOD option somewhere. However, some games may have AR Codes to disable their "Depth of Field" effect that in theory should improve the details of far objects...
(04-07-2016, 11:08 AM)Jhonn Wrote: [ -> ]Well, it's no that simple, we are emulating a console, not running a PC game, so we can't simply fiddle with a LOD option somewhere. However, some games may have AR Codes to disable their "Depth of Field" effect that in theory should improve the details of far objects...

I understand, thanks for the fast response.
This is exactly the issue Im talking about:

Well, that doesn't look like a DoF effect, the game was probably coded to do that and AFAIK there's no way around it =/