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Full Version: Running the emulator off a flash drive
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I want to run the emulator on my school computer through a flash drive and you need a password if you want to download something so i can't download Microsoft Visual Studio 8,etc. So i was wondering if theres a list of all the dll files you need to run the emulator so i can download them and put them in the flash drive. Huh
I remember there being a Portable Apps version of Dolphin somewhere, don't know what happened to it.
heh, interesting use case that does get pretty screwed by our new runtime requirement.

I don't think there's a clean solution to this without copying the DLLs dolphin asks for from your system and throwing them on the drive, but I have no idea if that would work correctly.


(03-09-2016, 09:53 AM)helios747 Wrote: [ -> ]heh, interesting use case that does get pretty screwed by our new runtime requirement.

I don't think there's a clean solution to this without copying the DLLs dolphin asks for from your system and throwing them on the drive, but I have no idea if that would work correctly.

I'm willing to copy all the DLLs i just need somekind of list that tells you all the files you need
Here you go, but I'll warn you, it's a LOT! -
(03-09-2016, 09:27 AM)KHg8m3r Wrote: [ -> ]I remember there being a Portable Apps version of Dolphin somewhere, don't know what happened to it.

I'm the author of that version. Although I don't touch on it for ages, it should still work fine as log as it's a build made before the switch to Visual Studio 2015 (it theoretically should work with the current builds if you copy the DLL files mentioned by MaJor on the launcher folder but I haven't tested). It's pretty much abandoned by now, maybe I'll update it after 5.0 stable is out or just finally ditch it away and let it die...