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Full Version: New PC - What can I expect from it?
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The 6700 you picked will run Dolphin just fine...since no one has actually directly answered the question in your original post yet.
Weird, they weren't showing up for me earlier
(02-20-2016, 12:18 PM)sulblazer Wrote: [ -> ]The 6700 you picked will run Dolphin just fine...since no one has actually directly answered the question in your original post yet.

That's pretty much all I needed to know xD I'll have the processor ordered within the next week, so I'll let everyone know how it does.

~Edit: Or apparently 2 hours later, and the motherboard is actually in stock now! Hopefully it stays in stock through Friday.
Can anyone recommend a decent Bluetooth USB Dongle and Wiimotes with the Motion+ built in? I'd like to use my current wiimotes but they're old (Got them with my wii back in Dec. '06) and I don't have the motion+, so it's not really worth the hassle with things that are practically falling apart.
Well I have the comp assembled and it blew my expectations out of the water. While I haven't tested this in depth all that much (GC only so far, Wii would be a bit weird with an XB360 controller), so far the 6700 has handled everything I've thrown at it with 2x internal res at least with a few other upscales as well. Not too much lag until I start turning up the intensity but I'm quite satisfied.

Now I have a question: I haven't recieved the video card yet (GTX 970), so can I expect any increase in performance once it's installed?
You won't see any increase in performance at low IRs (1-2x), but at higher IRs, you'll be able to play without having GPU-related slowdowns (and with other graphical enhancements if you want).
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