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Full Version: Can't start dolphin with compressed Metroid Other M iso
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I recently tried to upgrade my version of Dolphin from build 4905 to 8131 and when I did so, Dolphin quit a startup without a crash. It just exited. I did a binary search on the publicly available builds and found that build 6157 started acceptably, and 6163 crashed on startup. The changelog between the two talks about gathering the name of the game from the iso, so I started binary searching the iso's I had installed at startup.

Build 8131 starts fine with all my ISOs except my Metroid: Other M ISO installed. Futher I still have the original uncompressed ISO and 8131 starts up fine with that ISO. I told Build 8131 to compress the Metroid: Other M ISO and got an md5sum equivalent gcz to my 4905 compressed ISO which in turn causes build 8131 to exit on startup.

I'm not sure I'm prepared to start debugging this in code, but if there's more information I could provide that might allow this to get fixed, I'ld really appreciate being able to run Dolphin against my other m gcz again.
Hmm, I can't think of anything that could be causing that... Does everything work in 4.0-8131 as long as you don't restart Dolphin? Does the game run, does the game properties window open, and what to the Info and Filesystem tabs in the game properties look like?

I'd like you to try if it works in this build:


The uncompressed ISO works fine. I can start the game and progress. The GCZ causes Dolphin not to start. Not the emulation of the game, but rather the entire application. Like I don't even get a window with my list of games.

In the uncompressed ISO for Info I have:
Internal Name: Metroid: Other M
Game ID: R3OE01
Country: USA
Maker ID: 0x01
Revision: 0
Apploader Date: 2009/12/11
FST Size: 96976

Maker: Nintendo
Banner: <resonable image>

For Filesystem I have
Partition 0:
Partition 1:
-- Bunch of directories.
Sorry, I was unclear. What I meant to ask is what happens after you use 4.0-8131 to compress the game. Does Dolphin shut down at once? If not, what does it let you do?