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Full Version: After 1 year just discovered 720P Yay, 1080P Nay
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Hi All,

So i've had an overclocked Pentium G3258 and GTX 750 GPU for about a year now. Everything seemed to be working fine on my 2007 720P Panasonic Kuro - Full screen, vsync, 2X IR, 2XAA. Then I updated the TV to Samsung 1080P and I've discovered my hardware (I think the GPU) can't handle 1080p dolphin games. I thought Dolphin was light on the GPU and the Intel HD 4600 could practically handle 3X IR. Is it possible the GTX 750 is even weaker?

FYI games tried were Super Mario Galaxy 1 and LOZ Skyward Sword.

Edit: Whoops just saw the previous post with Intel yay or nay headline. Must have stolen your title subconsciously. Sorry!
The iGPU of your Pentium is Intel HD Haswell , not HD 4600
I don't think HD 4600 can handle 3xIR , not even close . I tried it on most games , still have some slowdown at 2xIR (SMG)
GTX 750 can handle up to 4xIR when I pair it to A10 6790k @ 5.0GHz . I don't know what is wrong with your system though
Maybe G3258 can't handle it? As far as I remember, increasing IR also increases CPU load, especially in graphical intensive games (like SMG). Also, G3258 doesn't support DDR3-1600 frequencies, only lower ones. In other words, your CPU may be stalling the performance...
(07-31-2015, 01:34 AM)Jhonn Wrote: [ -> ]As far as I remember, increasing IR also increases CPU load, especially in graphical intensive games (like SMG).

Huh how ?
I'm not totally sure but EFB Copies are an example. Higher IR => bigger EFB Copies, and in Super Mario Galaxy CPU accesses it to allow some gameplay features, like pulling star bits, or Yoshi's tongue...
I've heard that increasing IR can increase CPU usage but I have mine clocked at 4.5GHZ. I thought that would be more than enough! Sad

So the consensus is the GTX 750 is powerful enough to handle 4X IR? There goes the option to swap in another GPU...

Is it worth still upgrading the IR to 2X (720p) even though my TV is 1080p?
(07-31-2015, 05:49 AM)Jhonn Wrote: [ -> ]I'm not totally sure but EFB Copies are an example. Higher IR => bigger EFB Copies, and in Super Mario Galaxy CPU accesses it to allow some gameplay features, like pulling star bits, or Yoshi's tongue...

And also shader generation and translation and other tasks are handled by the GPU thread. Games in the Metroid Prime series are notorious for nutty GPU thread demands. It's better with the hardware vertex loader though.
(07-31-2015, 05:49 AM)Jhonn Wrote: [ -> ]I'm not totally sure but EFB Copies are an example. Higher IR => bigger EFB Copies, and in Super Mario Galaxy CPU accesses it to allow some gameplay features, like pulling star bits, or Yoshi's tongue...

Then shouldn't Skip EFB access allow a speedup for his processor ? just wondering why it wasn't suggested before.


I see, Thanks for the Information. I have heard about the better pass through of the vertices to the Host GPU from the emulated shader. I guess hardware vertex loader should also help Super mario galaxy then.
(08-01-2015, 01:48 PM)phantom theif 1412 Wrote: [ -> ]Then shouldn't Skip EFB access allow a speedup for his processor ? just wondering why it wasn't suggested before.

As I said, this breaks some gameplay related features, e.g. the ability to pull starbits or to use Yoshi's tongue in Super Mario Galaxy...
The GTX 750 should be fine to play in very high resolutions, so there is likely another issue. Is your GPU in high performance mode? Especially SMG waits for the GPU once per frame, so the common delay (in low power mode) is a high performance impact.