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Full Version: Paper Mario TTYD Bug
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Not sure if it's a Dolphin bug or a bug in the game so I wanted to share it. It's possible to make the ground in this area "unstable" and you can fall through it. Even into an infinite loop. Curious if this happens on the GameCube as well, and I'm far too lazy to replay it up to that point, especially in 480p. Didn't test other areas with these explorable backgrounds yet. It takes me a couple of tries to get it to happen in this video, but the first time it happened was after falling a single time.

did you try it with an older version? and there might be a way to transfer data from your computer to a physical gamecube, might be worth investigating. Also, what version were you using for that (so I can put it into the wiki)
Was using 4.0-6896, didn't try older versions. I do enjoy a good bug hunt so maybe I'll try to get my save onto real hardware. This app looks like it should do the trick to get the data transferred to a real card. Now the only problem is finding my memory card. I have three of them, and my friend has been borrowing two for over a year now (and one of my GameCubes), but I know I held onto one of them so it's around here somewhere... If I have to I'll give him a call and get one of my other cards back.
updated the wiki. tell me if there was anything I missed or said wrong
This sounds like something that probably happens on GameCube just be looking at it. Even if it is a dolphin, one of the super accurate JIT options would probably fix it.
Just confirmed today that this is an actual bug in the game. Played and tested on Wii.
did you try JMC's idea on Dolphin
(07-06-2015, 09:39 AM)NKF98 Wrote: [ -> ]did you try JMC's idea on Dolphin
If it's an actual bug in the game, why would an accuracy option fix it? Huh