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Full Version: Fatal Frame 4 and fan translation
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Since Fatal Frame 5 will be releasing this fall I was wanting to play through 4 in Dolphin. I know there's a fan translation patch which can be found here

However, the existing instructions seem to only explain how to apply the patch to the game on the Wii. I don't want to play it on the Wii I want to play it in dolphin (and as far as I'm aware cleanrip can't rip some sideloaded patch)

So if I went ahead and bought it from amazon. (I'm assuming cleanrip will still rip it despite the wii being region locked correct???)

How would I go about applying the patch to the ripped copy? I don't speak Japanese so playing it in Japanese would probably be beyond impossible.
The game should rip fine. I actually got this game recently and patched it myself with WiiScrubber. The files need to be placed in the correct folders so it should look like this:

BigFontGhostList -> Hide\Item
Chapters -> RSL
Credits -> RSL
Item -> Hide\Item
Menu -> Miya
Miya -> Miya
SmallFontGhostlist -> Hide\Item

You can use partition builder v1.1 to create the partition and then WiiScrubber to insert the partition in the game. If you have any problems just make another post and I'll do my best to help. Smile

Hope this helps. Big Grin