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Full Version: Tales of Symphonia NETPLAY 30 hours in, started desyncing
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Didn't really know how to word the title, but this is what's up:

Me and a friend have been using netplay to play Tales of Symphonia co-op. We've reached about 30 hours now without much problem at all. We had the occasional desync, but it was always fixed by either reloading a save or restarting Dolphin. Now we're getting constant desyncs, we can't go anymore than a couple of minutes into a session without desyncing. We've had it even desync in the MIDDLE of fights where everything seemed synced.

We've checked the guide for Netplay, we've followed all the steps shown and use the exact same settings. I even copied my save and sent it to him so he could download it, and we'd for sure be on identical saves. It just desynced again within minutes.

We live only an hour and a half apart, lag is completely unnoticeable as well.

I just don't understand why it's doing this now... 30 hours it's perfect, then it just constantly screws up. We haven't changed anything from all the other times we played. The guide doesn't help me much, just tells me it's my fault if it's not working perfectly =/.

Does anyone have any ideas, anyone that's maybe netplay'd Tales already?..

FYI I'm not a very tech savvy person ._.
Did you reach the city of flanoir recently by any chance? If so, does it desync if you don't enter the city in the same session? That part of the game is a real performance killer, and i think performance issues might cause desyncs?