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Full Version: Xenoblade drops framerate during battles
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Huh my friend recently let my borrow xenoblade for the wii so I ran it on dolphin to get the best experience ever!!
My rig: windows 8.1 x64
          AMD FX 6300 overclocked at 4.1 ghz yes I know dolphin isn't Team AMD lol
          8 gb ram 1600
          AMD readon hd 7950 overclocked at 1025 MHz

Ok so my game runs perfectly at 1080p 30 fps but as so as I get into battle it drops to 28-25 fps sometimes too 20  Sad  I just want to run the game smoothly I'm having a blast so far
dolphin is not team amd. sorry, but that's the best answer i can give you, amd cpus have bad performance with dolphin. you can try using the performance guide on the wiki and lower your settings otherwise (use 1x IR, no AA, etc.)
Plus use the latest dev if you haven't since it is a lot faster.
Yeah same here, it runs full speed otherwise and it doesn't matter how big the areas are or how many NPC's and enemies are on screen, but as soon as the battle starts, it drops to 20-28fps.
Even on the lowest IR there are no fps changes.
Quote:Ok so my game runs perfectly at 1080p 30 fps but as so as I get into battle it drops to 28-25 fps sometimes too 20
Xenoblade is not that demanding . Just use latest dev Dolphin , not the outdated stable version 4.0.2 , game should run full speed at 4xIR (2650x2112)
Even The Last Story which is the most demanding game run full speed here (3xIR + FXAA) . The whole "dolphin is a no for the red team" is bs , just overclock your CPU higher if you want more speed . Latest Intel CPU is just overkill for Dolphin , that's it
I don't know what's the stock voltage for FX 6300 but I went from 4.0GHz to 4.6GHz with just 1.39Vcore (1.4 is default , 1.55V is maximum -> underclock to 1.39V to reduce heat and increase CPU lifespan ) . Just change the multiplier . Do not touch the base clock option (default = 100MHz) . If you overclock base clock , you will overclock pretty much every components (mobo , Ram) -> Very dangerous to do so